Chapter 24: Revealing the truth

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"Again it's not nice to be rude!"

"So what!" I laughed

Eventually the joke faded away. It got quiet. I don't even know how to start a next conversation. What do I say? What do I do?

Jared looks at me in a weird way. I frown with confusion. He mumbled something in his breath and closes his eyes.

"Jared?" I asked so I could get his attention.

"Margot..." He said trying to gain confidence.

"Somethings wrong. Tell me...."

He sighs.

"Do you really wanna know?" He asked

"Well...give me a hint." I teased

"Ermmm well it's about you."

"Thanks for the details!" I playfully yelled

"Hey! You said a hint I can't give to much away." He said putting his hands in the air

I sigh

"I'm nervous for you to tell me." I said

"I just don't know how to tell you. I feel like it's gonna come out wrong and your just gonna run away from me. I feel like this is gonna ruin our friendship. I have a feeling that you'll try and distance yourself away from me." He explained.

I gasp quietly. I look over and zone out. His words repeated in my head over. And over. And over. I know what he's trying to say. He just doesn't wanna be straight up about it. What am I gonna do? What should my response be? Do I not say anything? Do I go along with it. I mean I have feelings for him too but he doesn't know that. We both don't.

"Hit me with it." I said trying not to make my voice crack.

"Okay..." He said

I squeeze my eyes shut and entwined my own fingers.

"I've been having...this connection with you. Like-Fuck. I don't know how to explain it. I-i-well-i mean,okay,okay. Sorry I'm nervous right Well okay I'm just gonna be straight up with you. I...really,you know.."

I take a breath in.

"...Like you." He whispered.

I opened my eyes. He looked so embarrassed. His face was filled with regret. I laughed. He looked at me with confusion. I bite my nail.

"Well...I can't believe I'm saying this also but..right back at cha." I laughed

He laughed and in the next split second he had a stone face.

"Your joking right?"

"No. I-I'm..I'm not. Look I'm being completely honest here. I'm not."

He sighs with relief.

"I didn't think my night was gonna go like this." He chuckled

i laughed.

"Tell me...why do you have interest for me?" I asked hiding a smile.

He starts to blush.

"Come on Mistah rosy cheeks!" I shouted

One,I just love your personality.
Two, you look at me the way no one ever has and it makes me feel really good about myself.
Three,your beauty is just over the top I can't get over it.
Four,You care for me. And I think that's the most important thing that's matters. You helped me through My bad moments,you kinda save me know for when my behavior goes wild.
And five-"

"Okay I think that's good enough." I laughed

"I could go on forever." He chuckled

"Ha! I bet. But That's so nice of you. That you like think that about me. It really fills my heart with joy and kindness. You light up my day when I see you. And I totally feel the same way about you. I'm just glad that I even cross your mind and stuff and that's what I love." I said smiling

It got quiet for a little until he blurted something out.

"So.. You think that-like me and you might wanna take a step...furth-"

"Yeah." I said smirking.

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