Chapter 15:walking in.

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*Third pov*

"Thanks for the ride!" Margot said to the taxi.

Margot was back home. It was 6:00 in the morning. Margot's stomach aches whenever she thought about Jared. It made her feel sick. That's all she was thinking about lately. She was asking her self what she would do if he came back. Would she except him and become friends with a monster-Or move on with life feeling guilty for what she did to him. She knows she hurt him. Really..really bad.
(Haha see what I did there 😜)

Margot was starting to get hungry. She stopped by a fast food restaurant a street away from her. Burger King. Her favourite place.

*Jared's pov*

I had a plan. It was to go to Margot's house and show up unexpectedly. I don't even know what I'm doing but at least I know 100 percent for sure that she'll be coming to her house.

I walk up to the door. I turn the was open. I'm confused. She would never leave without locking her door. Was someone here?
I walk in slowly. I hear the kitchen sink turn on. I keep cautious. I then peek my head and guess who it was. Tom. He lied to her. Then I hear a women's voice.

"Morning Tom!" A soft tone voice said

"Morning baby!" He replied

I was shocked. Toms thinks Margot's still out. Luckily they didn't see me. I had an idea. I walk back out the house and wait for Margot. I walk in with her and she sees this. She will see what's happening. If he catches me then that's a story to tell. She won't believe me then. She'll think I'm even more crazy. She defiantly won't believe that the love of her life is cheating on her. She needs to see it herself.

I quietly walk back out. I leave a crack of the door open on purpose. Before I even make it back to my car,I see a figure. It was a woman who had blonde hair and a blue flannel with a pink shirt that said 'f*ck marvel'. It was her. I run up to her.


She gasps.

"What? What the f- what are you doing here on MY property. Your not welcome here. I will get the police on your ass."

"Okay well I really don't care. But there's something I have to tell you."

"Please don't talk to me."

"Margot please I'm begging you. At least give me three minutes."

Margot looks at her phone.

" one,two,three,four...." She counted

I grab her arm.

"Okay what would you do if I told you that tom was seeing someone else?" I asked walking to her door.

"I wouldn't believe you. He would never ever do that."

"Margot I'm just saying what would you do if he did?"

"Jared is this really nessary? First your here one invited you and second your asking crazy questions about MY boyfriend?what?"

I chuckle.

"Okay well he is. End of story."

We make it to the door. I tell Margot to wait.

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