Chapter 10:camp mars

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Hey guys!! You should watch the video i put on top of jared💕 singing the kill. -harley♦️

*Third pov*

Do you really you really want-me. Do you really want me dead-or alive.

Margot and the crowd cheered. They cheered for a while. Jared grabs a different microphone from one of his tech people. A soft tone of music plays in the backgroud. Jared looks at the crowd and laughs. The crowd cheers.

"Alright,alright. Shhhhh. Hahaahaha." Jared said.

The crowd chants his name.

"Hey! Guys lets play the quiet game...on the count of three it should be"

The crowd gets silent. You only heard a few whispers but overall it was quiet. Dead silent. Jared laughs.

"There ya go now thats-how i like it." Jared said in his joker voice.

The crowd cheers. Jared shushes them and they go silent once again. The soft music restarts in the background.

"Okay um...this song is very speacial. Um this song is uh..a good one that you ALL like-i

The crowd cheers.

"This song means a lot. Well this songs goes completely perfect like f*cking perfect for whats going on right now between me and some close people-and the people around me. The lyrics goes with whats been happening lately. And i wanna sing it to someone. Someone whos gonna understand what i feel. Someone who will agree with what im saying and again how i feel about that person. This music means alot to me and now its needed. So this song is called....The Kill. I wanted to dedicate it to someone.

Jared looks at margot. He smiles and points at her. She smiles. She pauses and points to her self.

"Me?" She asked.

Jared nods. Jareds body guards shove through the crowd and grab margot. They put her up the stage. Jared gets up from his chair and hugs margot. He stands beside her and wraps his arm around her neck.

"Hi." He said looking down at her

Margot laughs. Her head falls into jareds chest. He looks at her up and down.

"Well arnt you lookin pretty tonight. I love your outfit...its just like mine."

Margot laughs. Jared looks in the crowd and does a silly face.

"Um hey. Guys can i get a hand for the amazing and talented gorgeous and f*cking one and only margot robbie!!"

Everyone screams and claps.

"Margot you can take my awesome plain chair."

"You sure. Your the one singing." She laughed

"Im 100% sure honey."

A bodyguard comes and offers a microphone for jared to give to margot. He says no. The crowd notices and so does jared notice the crowd being confused.

"People out there i know ypur confused. But shes not singing along. I know i usally dont do this. This is my first time but. Im gonna be singing to her."

The crowd screams.

"This is...the kill."

Jared gets on his knees and looks at margot. He starts in an acoustic version.

"What if i wanted to break laugh off in your face what would you do...ohhhhh
..What if i fell to the floor couldnt tell this anymore what would you do do do?"

Jared sang as he pointed to margot when he said 'you'

"Come break me down bury bury i am finahed with you" he sang as his tone was getting higher

"What if i wanted to fight,beg for the rest of my life what would you do? You say you want it for what ive waiting for,im not running from you"

Jared takes the tone to the original version. Shannon starts the drums while tomo hits the guitar. Jared stands on his feet,still looking back and fowarth at margot and the crowd.

"come break me down! Bury bury me i am finshed with you"

Jared looks at margot. He glares at her.

"look at my eyes!!! your killing me all ive wanted was you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jared falls to his knees and grabs margot hand.

"I tried to be someone else but nothhing seems to change i know now,this is who i really am inside i finally found myself fighting for a chance. I know now.."

Jared puts both hands on his microphone and bends back for the scream.

"This is who i really am!!!"

He puts the myc towards the crowd. They sang.


"Come break me down bury bury me! I am finsihed you you you!!!!!! Loook at my eyes."

Margot falls into jared striking blue eyes.

"Your killing killing all ive wanted was youuu!!!!!!!!!! Come break me downnnn. Break me downnnn. Break me downn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.........What if i wanted to break.

"What if i,what if i ,what if i,what if i..bury me bury me" jared whispered.

The crowd screams. Very loud. Jared laughs and looks at margot.

"Margot your actually killing me. Your f*icking killing me." Jared laughed.

The crowd screams even more. Margot starts to tear up. Jared gives her a hug. Jared sets the myc on the chair and whispers in margots ears. The crowd gets a little quiet

"Do you wanna stay on the stage."

"I wish but no. This is a big thing for you and the rest. All the attention needs to be on you okay...but thank you so much for that. That was f*cking amazing. Holy shit. I always remember that moment from now on. Now i can talk for days of how i feel right now. But long story short i feel f*ucking amazing. I feel great. Thank you" Margot said smiling.

Jared couldnt say a word. Margot backed away from his ear. She leaned and have him a kiss on the cheeks and walked back to the crowd. When the crowd saw that they screamed. Jared looks down and laughs. That 3 seconds repeated in his head over and over. Jared sits down slowly. He grabs the myc.

"" Jared said zoning out still thinking about margot.

"Okay sorry,um this last song is gonna be 'closer to the edge."


Thank you guys so much for being here. I truly appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. I definitely had a f*cking blast. This shit was awesome as f*ck. Like holy guacamole. Please scream if you just had the best night of her lives!" Jared yelled putting the myc in the air.

The crowd goes wild.

"Thank you so much. Ill see everyone tomorrow outside. We all have rock climbing to do. Itll be fun. One more thing. give it up for my buddys shannon!!....and give it up for tomo!! ...hahahaa alright guys goodnight. Sleep good we all have a big day tomorrow. Good night we love youuu!!!!"

The crowd screamed and the lights went out. The concert was over.

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