-Chapter 44-

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[cry's pov]


In the moment, it seems my life improved considerably. When Nate stepped out of the shadows, his wide child-like blue eyes staring at me widely, for some reason a part of me... even after everything I've been through, I start to feel hope. 

Maybe we've finally given enough to win.

"Cry! You're-" I cut him off by dropping the container I'm holding which has some leftover soup in. It splatters across the floor as I cross the distance between us and wrap him up in my arms. He squirms and protests against me, but after a while gives up. Nate awkwardly pats my back. "Cry, what's wrong? Did something happen? Did I do something wrong?" I realize a long second after that I'm crying and a few tears streamed onto his face.

"Where's Felix?" Nate is starting to look really upset. "What did he say to you, squirt? How are you here?"

"What are you talking about? I woke up here. We went out for ice cream and I fell asleep in the car." I blink for a second, taking in the information. I kneel so I can be at Nate's level.  "Right? That's what happened, right?" His eyes start to well up with tears.

"Nate, it's okay. I-" I try to bullshit something. Why wouldn't Felix tell Nate he was in a coma? "Just with everything that's happened lately, I've been kind of concerned."

"You haven't really told me much of what's been going on..." Nate crosses his arms and puts on his pouty face. "I hate it when I'm not updated." I take a deep breath. Pewdie might not want me to toell him, but I have to. 

"Nate, I have something to tell you. I'm sure Felix freaked out when you came downstairs, right? And you can't remember when we moved back into Amy's house?" His face screws up in concentration as he sorts through his memories.

"No, I guess I can't remember when we moved into Amy's. And he did freak out." Nate looks very suspicious. "Cry, what's going on? Am I asleep right now?"

"You aren't, and I'm glad for that." I take a deep breath in, then out. "Nate, you've been in a coma for a few months now." He stares at me and starts to laugh. I frown and cross my arms. "Nate, I'm being serious. This is no joke. You were hit by a car." Nate's smile fades from his face, and the laughter dies. 

"You're joking. You can't be serious."

"I'm one hundred percent serious. Go get some paper towels, and I'll tell you all about it while I clean up this god damn soup." He runs off I set the rest of the leftovers that I stole from Genia down. Nate runs back in less than fifteen seconds and shoves the paper towels in my hand. 

"Tell me everything," he says. So I do.

I just leave out the part about it being Felix's dad. There had to be a reason why Felix didn't want to know the truth. I think part of it, he knew I should be the one to tell Nate. The other is that he feels guilty. 

We both show our guilt in incredibly different ways.

I didn't visit Nate in the hospital really, I barely went to see him at all. While Felix went nearly every day to sit with him for thirty minutes, or an hour. I avoided the problem, and Felix reminded himself of it. It almost disturbs me that... that's the way I act to things. I run away from my problems. 

Damn, I still haven't grown up at all.

After I'm finished explaining everything that's happened since he has been in a coma, Nate looks a little faint. 

"No way," he says. "Why did Felix lie to me?" I scrub at the floor, keeping my eyes downward. 

"He wanted me to tell you myself." 

"So in two days this Jake guy and Ken were going to kill me? If I didn't wake up? And why did I wake up here, Cry?" He rubs his eyes with the back of his hand. "This is why I woke up weak and aching all over..."

"Don't worry about it so much, kid. Now that you're here, it will be easy to turn around on them. We just have to make sure everyone we care about is accounted for, and then I might be able to get rid of them. For good." Nate grabs my arm, and I stare up into a pair of intense blue eyes. "What?" I ask.

"Cry, you can't kill them." I shake off his hand and go back to what I'm doing. "Please. This isn't the person you should be. This isn't the person I want you to be anymore." 

I slam down the wad of paper towels and cleaner, and it creates a surprisingly loud bang. Nate flinches away from me immediately and throws his hands up to protect his face. I have a faint moment of regret before I dismiss it. 

"Nate, I can't be worried about what you want if it's going to hurt you or anyone else." I take another deep breath, my shoulders sagging once I let it out. "I can't be concerned about your wishes if it might hurt you. They've done enough to us. I'm finished playing games."

"We never have to deal with them again?"

"Never," I say confidently. "Ken won't escape this time. And Jake is really going down." I stand up with all the wet paper towels in my hand and walk to the kitchen.

"Be quiet, Felix is asleep at the table." I open the fridge, using the fridge light instead of the actual light so I don't wake him up. "There's a lot you still haven't told me, isn't there?" I should've know he'd see right through me. 

"Yeah. But it's late. I'll tell you in the morning at breakfast when Felix is up as well. He would want to be there. But now you have to sleep, Champ." He growls under his breath and looks away from me. 

"I've been sleeping for forever. I just want to be awake." He bounces up and down, watching him do it just makes me feel tired. "Do you mind if I stay down here instead of going upstairs? I might fall asleep on the couch." He looks up at me with irresistible puppy dog eyes. 

"Sure. Just let me take Felix upstairs before you turn it on." Nate leaves the room and starts to get comfy on the couch. I take my time to look at Pewdie for a little bit and just admire the person I'm in love with. 

His blonde hair sticks up randomly and falls into his eyes, his face is pressed on the cold counter. A bottle of wine is open, and a half empty glass of it. I wonder where he got the wine and take a second to put it away. 

"Silly Fe," I mutter. "You must be awfully stressed to break out the bottle, huh?" I smooth back his hair and kiss his forehead before sliding my arms around him. I hoist Pewdie up into a bridal style carrying position. He doesn't even stir. I don't even struggle with his weight, it's like he's getting smaller and smaller by the day. I feel a bit worried for him, and realize he hasn't been eating much lately. I'll have to help a little with that. I carry him up to my room (I know he'd appreciate waking up in my bed instead of Amy's) and lay him down sweetly, pulling the covers up and kissing him on the lips. 

"Night, Pewdie." I leave the room, enter Amy's, and fall asleep. 

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