-Chapter 19-

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A/N: Oi! This is late. Sorry about that. I was really busy with annoying life stuff. But I had a hell of fun time making the casting for this story. #youdontownme. Have a good morning, noon, night! Deuces! 


[pewdie’s p.o.v.]


“D-do you think he’s…” Nate lies in a hospital bed, breathing in and out steadily. His complexion is pale and withered, as if he might fade away into the sheets. I’m standing by his bed, Minx at my side. We both are silently looking down at him. “Do you think he’s going to be okay? Because if he’s not… It’s all our fault… oh my…” I hold up my hand and she stops talking.

“He’ll be fine if he wakes up. Which he will. You heard the doctor as well, right? It may be tomorrow, it may be a year, but he will wake up.” I set the mask in his hands, and as if on cue, his small hands wrap around the porcelain. She nods, staring at me with her hands clasped in front of her. I take a step and Minx stares at me numbly. She’s really attached to Nate, the two have become very close in the past weeks. They are constantly hanging out and laughing while I sit in Cry’s room, smoking away a box of cigarettes.

“What are you doing?” She asks when I open the door to the hospital room. I hate hospitals. I have a personal grudge against this place after what happened to my actual parents. “Where are you going, Felix? Don’t you fucking leave me here!”

“Home,” I say quietly and she immediately goes silent. “My mother is home, and I need to see her. I… I just do. I can’t tell you why. I just have this feeling that I need to go home…” Minx catches my sleeve and narrows her eyes. I glare right back at her, matching her fury with my own.

“Is this more important than Nate?” She snaps, and I nod, gently uncurling her hand. It might even be about Nate, dammit. “Come on Fe, don’t leave me here by myself… I hate hospitals, too.”

“Listen, this isn’t going to take that long. I just need to know when my dad is getting home, so I can make sure Cry doesn’t get in trouble for dating me and all that. If my dad finds out, there’s going to be hell to pay. More than Nate getting hit by a car, believe it or not. My dad will kill Cry if he finds out.  And it has to be done now because I have a suspicion that he’s back already, and he’s about to do something. I’ll come back later, with the car, and pick you up.” I check the time. “It’s three. I’ll be here at six, or six-thirty.”

“Okay,” she murmurs. “Please don’t take long. I don’t want to stay here without company. I hate hospitals.” I nod in agreement… after all, my mother and father died in one

“I won’t be long. I promise.” She hands me the keys and I walk out the door.

But even my excuses to go home sound numb to my ears.

I don’t actually want to go home that much. Sure, my dad is probably home now, but he doesn’t notice me that much.

Why do I really want to go home?

I want to see my mom.


It takes forever to get to my house because of traffic. Of course, I keep a lookout for the blue Ferrari, but it’s nowhere to be found. I swear on the stars that I’ll find whoever hit Nate… Pulling up to my parent’s mansion, I park out in the front, knowing that my dad probably parked in the car. I kick open the car door and slam it as hard as I can. Not in a good mood.

It looks so normal that for a second I have to do a double take. The large rise and fall of our roof… the windows, the one stain glass one… I sigh with relief. I may not be home, that’s with Cry. But I am home, if that makes sense.

I almost knock at first, but then realize that I actually live here and I could just walk in if I wanted. The door swings open and bangs against the wall.

“Oi, mom, I’m home!” I scream and I hear an immediate response. My mom’s voice sounds happier than I’ve heard it in a long time. Which makes me… happy… because she isn’t this happy usually.

“In here, sunshine!” She yells, and I kick my converse off,  suddenly missing Cry’s sweatshirt, which I’ve been wearing a lot since he’s gone into his “coma.” What. It’s comfy and it reminds me of him. I’ve missed hugging and kissing him since my whole life has literally been shitted on.

I walk into the family room and observe my dad, sitting with his legs crossed sunglasses on inside. Woah, douche alert. He has the same blonde hair as me and the same blue eyes. Generally the same looks. Everybody says I look like my dad… but I really took after my mom in attitude. She may have the exact opposite appearance than me, but we both love the same things. I can name so many things that can both make us smile.

And best of all… We aren’t self-centered like my dad.

“I’m really glad you’re home,” my mom says with a sad and tired smile, and I cross over and sit by her. She’s what I came home for… I wrap my arms around her and nuzzle into my adopted mother’s arms. “I really missed you… I wish you would stay home more often. I really do love hanging around you. It makes the house less lonely.”

“I know,” I simply say, and she nods. She probably knows that I’m dealing with some pretty tough shit right now- we just know that about each other sometimes. I notice that my mom slams her elbow into my dad’s side, and he jumps, as if just noticing I’m here.

“Oh,” he says, managing to sound annoyed. “It’s you.”

Nice to see you, pops. As friendly as ever.

“Yeah,” I snap. “It’s me. Your son and all that. Remember?” My mom looks between us as if a fire is about to start. My eyes are narrowed, and my dad starts tapping away on his phone again. What a guy like this ever did to deserve my mom, I’ll never know.

“Well, duh, I remember you. I have to deal with you.” My dad’s leg is shaking up and down, and the expression on his face is incredibly ticked off. He looks like he has to do something, and do it soon. New deal, maybe? “Sweetheart, would you go and get me something to drink while I show Felix my new car?” New car? Again? I sigh and stand up as he does. He seems to get a new car every week, I swear. It’s probably some super fancy race car or some shit.

“Sure. Ah…” my mom trails off. “You two… have… fun?” I try to give my mom a reassuring stare… but I’m sure I look wore out and annoyed. I came here for my mom, not a dick.

My dad grabs my sleeve and pulls me along to the garage. He looks so excited and happy that it’s slightly weirding me out. His smile is even border lining creepy as if he just won a game we weren’t even playing. We both stand in front of the door, and he motions for me to open it. The knob is cold against my hand.

“Hell, I bet even you would want to drive this one, huh?” He smiles widely, flashing perfect white teeth. The door swings open, and he flicks on the light, illuminating the one thing that I’ve been looking for.

In the garage sits a blue Ferrari.

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