-Chapter 48-

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all your comments are so lovely. thank you all so much for the support you have showed to this story. 42.9k? over 1,000 comments? over 2,000 freaking votes? i am so honored guys. like wow. i love you all so much. ♥‿♥


[cry's pov]


I watch Felix tug Nate away, feeling thankful that the two are leaving. This is hopefully the last time I will ever kill somebody. I shove him to the ground, Ken yells in pain and kicks at my leg. Jund and Snake stand back, blocking the exits while Russ stands by my side.

I take out my knife.

Ken yells and squirms in my arms.

"Stop that," I say coldly. He pauses and looks into my eyes.

"You don't want to do it," he says in awe. "After everything I've done, you still don't want to do it. How is that even possible, Cry?" He sits up a little, and I tighten my grip on the knife. I have to do it. I have to. But I can't do it.

After everything he has done...

This feels like vengeance.

This feels like something my father would be proud of, and I can't follow that path anymore.

"I'm giving you a choice." Russ looks at me. His eyes are confused. "Russ, here. Do some damage." I look away and hear a cry of pain, then nothing. Russ had put his other eye out.

"You... mother..."

"Listen to me." I snap my fingers and he flinches away. Ken holds and grabs at his eye which doesn't look as bad as the first time where I inflicted damage on his other. The first time was vengeance, this hopefully is justice. Something I'm doing right.

"What are you doing, Cry?" Ken spits out. "Why don't you just kill me? You decided to make me suffer before?" He laughs.

"No, this is a second chance. If you don't follow the rules, then I'll kill you." He tilts his head to the side, empty eyes looking at me. "No more killing anyone. No more going after us."

"I can't do that," he says.

"Then you die." Ken grits his teeth and lets out a muffled scream. "There has to be something else to live for other than inflicting pain. Find that. I already have an idea for you, for a new start." Ken is silent for a second.

"What?" He asks.

"You could apologize to Spoon, and maybe treat him like a human being." Ken snorts and looks away, but I can tell he's thinking about it. "He's not a dog, Ken. And he thinks about you all the time still, even if he's convinced you hate him."

"I do."

"No, you don't." More silence.

"Maybe you're right." He laughs. "This is just like you, Cry. This is even worse than killing me. You took out my other eye..." I'm surprised he isn't freaking out more. "Not like I can do much anyways anymore. Blind and useless."

"Not to the person who loves you." I grab his arm and force him to get up. "Don't misunderstand. I still will kill you. But I'd rather not." He wobbles on his feet but finds his balance. "I found about Jake, you know. Being my dad. I found him with Felix's step mom. She was dead. You killed her?"

"Yeah," he shrugs. "She was going to tell you about Amy, so I had to. Turns out Jake did that anyway."

"So Amy was really... she was really my mom?" He dusts off his clothes and starts to walk away.

"She was." He pauses, and looks back. "She really cared about you."

"I know," I say, and Krism walks into the alleyway. Ken runs into her, she steadies him after a second of almost losing her balance.

"It's over, Krism," Ken says. She looks back and glares at us suspiciously. "Seriously. Enough. We're done here. We won't be going after them again." She takes this order immediately, and helps him along. Krism turns for a second with an apologetic look.

"I shot Red in the leg, just now. She's that way." Russ immediately takes off in that direction. "I'm sorry. I thought we were still fighting." She bows her head apologetically. I just nod and wave her goodbye.

They get into a car that is probably Krism's and drive off. I watch as the car grows smaller and smaller.

My heart lifts.

It's over.

Part of me wants to run and catch up with the car. To say... well, I don't know what to say. Something. Anything. But the stronger part of me, the one who grew up when my dad died, pulls me back. For now it's over. Now I can enjoy the peace with Pewds.

"Why didn't you do it?" Jund yells from behind me. He stalks toward me and grabs the front of my shirt. "He's going to come back for us. Mark my words. He's going to come back and he's going to kill all of us-" Snake puts a hand on Jund's shoulder and he shrugs it off.

"He won't be coming back," Snake says, and I nod.

"No, he won't."


[after talking with felix]


"Why did you lie," Russ says, grabbing my shoulder and pulling me away from the group. "Now he might be worried about Ken being angry and coming back for us. You shouldn't have lied."

"We agreed on no more lies... but... it was his idea to lure Ken here, and he seemed pretty insistent on the justice of killing Ken in exchange for all of the lives he has taken away. I don't know... I just... It seems like something the old me would choose to do, and I don't want to do that anymore." Russ processes my words for a second before nodding.

"Okay. You guys be careful."

"We will." I group hug with him and an unconscious Red.

"She's going to be mad that she didn't get to say goodbye." We both look down at Red who looks very peaceful. "You guys will call? Promise?"

"I promise," I say, then catch up with Felix.

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