Chapter 5

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Me and Brooke went to our seats and sat down. I turned to look at Brooke and she was smiling at me, quite creepily.

"What the hell are you doing Brooke?" I asked, laughing.

"You and Harry." Brooke said

"I'm sure he's just being friendly. He doesn't like me." I said

"Are you clueless Kayla?! He obviously likes you! I'm 13, you're 18. I'd think you'd know this better than me." Brooke said, giggling.

"Whatever Brooke.." I said, pulling out my phone. I had a new text from Lauren

"Hey chickadee! Are you at the concert? Are you making out with Harry Styles? Tell me!"

I rolled my eyes and quickly tapped out a reply.

"Lol yes, currently sucking face with Harry."


"No! But I think he likes me..well Brooke's convinced he does."

"and why is she convinced. I need like details."

"Well..He kept smiling at me..He kissed my hand..He told me I had a voice of an angel..He offered to pay for me to go to LSOPA..He helped me get up when I twisted my ankle (don't ask) and we kinda had a moment when we were looking into each others eyes and he told me I had beautiful eyes."

I read over the text before I sent it. Maybe he does like me. I mean of course I liked him. He was Harry Freaking Styles for crying out loud. Who couldn't like him.

"OMFG. He obviously likes you Kayla. Jump for it. You need a boy in your life. And Harry Styles is a pretty amazing boy ;)"

"lol, I guess I'll try. I dunno. I'll never see him though. He likes in London Lauren."


"fine. I g2g. concert is gonna start soon. Bye. Love you."

"love you too girl."

I turned off my phone and stuck it back in my purse. The lights dimmed and the concert began. All the boys came out and began to sing Na Na Na. Me and Brooke sang along and danced to every song they sang. The Boys waved at me a couple times and once Louis even blew me a kiss. "Silly boy." I thought.

Then they got to the Part of the show when they answered Twitter questions.

"Here's one for HARRY, Are there any girls that you fancy right now?" Louis said, laughing.

My eyes widened and I blushed.

"Uh..Um.." Harry stammered and he was blushing too.

"Harry likes a certain girl in the audience right no-" but Louis was cut off when Harry went and covered his mouth with his hand. Louis ripped Harry's hand off his mouth "HER NAME IS KAYLA." Louis screamed, laughing. Harry tackled him and started hitting him. All the girls started screaming, trying to find "Kayla". I just stood there, shocked and blushing. Brooke started screeching.


Harry finally got off Louis and Looked over at me and blushed. I smiled and blushed as well.

"WELL NEXT QUESTION." Liam said, trying to move it on along.

They finished the twitter questions and sang the rest of the songs. Harry sang a lot of them to me, looking me straight in the eyes and all. They sang the last song, What makes you Beautiful. And when they were Harry bent down right in front of me and kissed me on the cheek. I started giggling again and I kissed his cheek in return.

The girl right next to me started screaming, and tried to get Harry to kiss her, but he didn't. She sent me a death glare and I just looked at her like "Yeah Bitch, Harry's mine. Deal with it."

After the concert ended, Me and Brooke went back to the backstage area. We told Paul our names and he let us back to the back.

"Girls!" Louis exclaimed, "Did you like the show?"

"It was amazing." Brooke and me said at the same time. I looked over at Harry and he smiled at me, I smiled and looked down at my shoes. Awkward..

"This was actually the last concert of this tour right now so we're having a party to celebrate. You guys should come!" Liam said

"That'd be awesome!" Brooke said

"No. I don't think you should be going Brooke." I said

"WHY?" She about screamed at me

I sighed and said "Cause you're thirteen. You need to go home, not stay out till Midnight."

"But you're gonna go right Kayla?" Harry asked me

I giggled again and said "If you want me to I guess I will."

"No Fair.." Brooke mumbled

"I'm 18, you're 13. I win." I said.

"Well You can ride with us if you want Kayla, we can stop by your house and drop Brooke off." Zayn suggested

"Thanks! I think I'd better call my mom and tell her what we're doing first. Excuse me one second." I said, walking out to the hall and calling my mom.

"Hey sweetie! Is the concert over? Was it fun?"

"It was amazing mom. Listen, The boys invited me to go to their after party. Can I go? I'm gonna drop Brooke off at the house first though. I don't think she should go."

"You can go sweetie, Just don't do anything stupid. And Yes please drop Brooke off here, I don't want her going to a party. When do you think you'll be home?"

"I have no idea mom..Don't stay up and wait for me though. I'll probably get home really late."

"Okay baby. Have fun! Love you!

"Love you too mom, Bye!" I hung up the phone and walked back into the room.

"Mom said I could go." I said smiling

"What about me?" Asked Brooke.

"Mom agreed that you are too young."

"Stupid.." Brooke mumbled but I ignored her.

"Should we get going then?" Niall asked.

"Sure!" I said and me, brooke, and the boys started to walk towards the door. Harry took my hand and held it while we walked. I looked up at him and he gave me a cheeky smile.

"Wow a Limo?!" I exclaimed

"Have you never been in one babe?" Harry asked

"No..Never have"

"Well you are now." He said, he continued to hold my hand as he climbed into the back of the Limo with me. The other boys and Brooke climbed in around us and I gave the driver my address and we started to drive to my house.

Harry and the other Boys were laughing about something but I was just kinda drifting off. Harry squeezed my hand and pulled me back into reality. We had pulled into my driveway.

"Oh Bye Brookie! I'll see you tomorrow morning! Love you!"

"Bye Kay. Bye boys! Love you too!" Brooke said, climbing out of the limo and running up to the doorway and walking in.

"Let's go Partaaaayyyy!" Louis screamed, as we drove away to the party.

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