Chapter 29

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I woke up the next morning to sunlight streaming in my face. What happened last night? I looked down to see that I was butt naked. Did me and Harry have sex? Oh wait, no we didn't. I pushed him off of me.

I rubbed my eyes and stretched out my arms. Something smelled really good out in the kitchen. I slowly stumbled out of bed and slipped on a long t-shirt and my black underwear. Harry had already seen me naked so I really didn't care.

"Good morning." I said, stumbling out to the kitchen. He was standing in the kitchen, making something.

"Good morning beautiful." He said, stepping away from the counter and kissing my forehead. I smiled and sat down at my dining room table. He slid a plate in front of me which had a delicious breakfast omelet on it.

"You are seriously the sweetest guy in the world." I said, admiring his culinary masterpiece.

"I try." He said, shrugging and sitting across from me with his plate of food.

We ate in silence until I finally built up the courage to try and talk about what happened last night.

"Harry, about last night-"

"We don't have to talk about it babe." He said, grabbing my hand over the table.

But I continued anyway. I wanted him to know what had happened.

"I thought you were my abusive ex and I pushed you off and I'm sorry." I mumbled, looking down at my bare legs.

"Don't be sorry, It's fine. I'm not mad." He said, calmly.

"Guess what's in two days?" He asked excitedly, changing the subject.

"What..?" I questioned

"Halloween, silly! Louis is throwing this big Halloween costume party at our flat." He said, getting up and putting his plate in the sink.

I guess I had forgotten all about Halloween.

"Oh Yeah! I forgot!" I followed him over to the sink and placed my plate next to his. He had started to wash all my dishs.

"Stop Harry! That's my job."

"No, Let me do it."

"Harry!" I exclaimed, trying to get him to stop but he wouldn't. So I picked up some of the soap between my fingers and flicked it at him, giggling in the process.

"Oh no you didn't." He sassed back, throwing even more soap at me.

Before we knew it, us and the kitchen was covered in soapy bubbles. I stepped back and slipped, falling to the ground and pulling Harry with me.

It would have been quite a sight if someone had walked in at that moment. We were covered in bubbles and I was laying on the floor of a bubbly kitchen. Oh, and I had Harry styles on top of me.

I giggled as I kissed his soapy lips. The kiss got pretty heated as I rolled over and straddled him on top of me.

"You sh-should probably get ready to go to class." Harry said, scrambling up from under me. My eyes widened as I sat there, watching him cleaning my kitchen. Had he seriously just left me hanging?

I just groaned and trudged into my bedroom, slipping on a pair of black skinny jeans and a simple sweatshirt. I really had no one to impress so I didn't put on much makeup and just threw my hair into a ponytail. I slipped on my white toms and grabbed my pink backpack. I walked out of my bedroom to see my kitchen spotless and Harry laying on my couch.

"Drive me to class pretty please?" I batted my eyelashes innocently and leaned over the coach.

"Sure." He got up and walked towards the door. What had gotten into him? I ignored it though and followed him out to his car.

All during class my mind was somewhere else. There was only one reason why Harry had done that and it was because he thought I wasn't ready to have sex. I was. I knew I was. But he probably thought he didn't after what had happened last night. I had to talk to the one person who always had the best advice and that was Lauren.

Harry picked me back up after class and drove me back to my flat. We just made meaningless small talk the whole time. He dropped me off at my flat, saying he had some stuff to do.

Right when I got to my bedroom I Skype called Lauren. I knew she would have something to say to all this.

"Hay girl Haaay!" She said happily. I giggled and waved in return.

"What's going on?" I asked her.

"Nothing, just studying. You?"

"Trying to figure out what's going on with Harry."

"Tell Mama what's going on."

I explained to her everything that had happened this morning and last night and she listened intently, like I knew she would. She was always the one I went to for advice.

"Well do you want to do the dirty with him?"

"Yeah..." I mumbled, my face turning a crimson red.

"Wait, Wait! I know what you can do! Do you have a costume for this Halloween party yet?"

"Actually, I don't! I don't know what I'm gonna do about that.."

"Do you still have that costume I got you as a joke a couple years ago?" She was referring to a sexy sequin cat costume she had got me. I never had worn it.

"Yes and I am NOT wearing it!" I protested. It was way too slutty for my taste.

"But Harry would love it and it would totally get him turned on. Just try it on, please?" I groaned and went to the back of my closet, pulling out the skimpy costume. I went behind my laptop and changed into it.

"Here." I said, stepping in front of the camera.

"Guuuurrrl you look good." She said.

"Yeah right..."

"You're wearing that. Harry will absolutely love it."

I heard a door slam and footsteps. Harry must be back.

"Kaylaaa?" I heard him yell. Yep, he was back.

"Just wait babe!" I yelled back, trying to take the costume off as fast as I could.

"I gotta go Lauren, Bye!" I said quickly, waving and disconnecting the call

I put on my clothes as fast as I could.

"Hey." Harry said, walking in to the room. Thankfully the costume was already off of me.

"Ever heard of a thing called knocking?" I asked, giggling.

"What's that?" He asked, pointing at the sparkly costume in a ball on the floor.

"Nothing." I said, picking it up and throwing it in my closet.

"Tell me," He said getting closer to me, his lips inches away from mine.

"You'll know soon enough." I winked and sauntered out of my room, leaving Harry waiting for a kiss.

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