Chapter 24

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The next day I had to go to work. I hadn't talked to Lindsey since I ran out when I found the magazine, so I didn't know what she'd do.

I had fallen asleep on Liam and Louis last night. I guess Louis and Eleanor had left cause they were gone, but Liam was still here. I was lucky to have Liam.

I climbed off of him, trying not to wake him. I trudged into my bedroom and took off my clothes and put on my uniform. I ripped a comb through my hair, applied just a smidge of makeup, grabbed my bag, and walked out.

Liam was still asleep so I did the same thing as he did yesterday, I wrote him a note.

"Hey Li, I had to leave for work. I'll be back later. -K"

I placed it on the table next to the couch and left for work.

It was actually a very pretty day today, but I still wasn't happy. It felt like I'd never be happy again. I felt like a zombie, just going through life with no feeling at all.

I walked into work to be met with Brandon and Lindsey. Lindsey ran right over to me and threw her arms around me. I gasped, not expecting her to do that. She finally released me and I looked over at Brandon, who looked uncomfortable.

"Kayla, I'm so sorry. How are you? Are you okay? Do you need me to go kick his ass?" Lindsey asked me. I gave her the same answer I give everyone, I shrugged. I walked past her, put on my apron, and set my bag down. I could feel Brandon's eyes burning into the back of my head but I tried to ignore him.

After my shift was about halfway over I walked into the back room to take a break. I sat next to the large window and just looked out at London. I heard somebody walk in the room, but I didn't turn around to see who it was. I kept my eyes looking out of the window.

"I can help you get over Harry." I heard someone whisper into my ear. I gasped as they turned me around and crashed their lips onto mine. I started beating my hands against their chest, trying to get them off of me. But they wouldn't budge. They pulled away for a second to stare into my eyes and I realized it was Brandon.

"What in the hell." I whispered. He leaned in to attack my lips again, but I pushed him off of me. He fell to the ground and I looked up to see Lindsey standing in the doorway, her mouth open and her eyes wide.

"Leave." She snarled at me.

"Lindsey I-" I stuttered, trying to get her to hear me out.

"I said Leave." She yelled at me. I grabbed my bag and was about to run out the door when she stopped me "Give me your apron."

I yanked the apron over my head and she snatched it out of my hand. I ran out of there as fast as I could and back to my flat. Liam wasn't there. I fell onto the couch and the tears came streaming out of my eyes again.

I guess I had just lost my job. What else could go wrong?

-Harry's POV-

I hadn't hardly moved in two days. I missed Kayla. I missed her witty comments. I missed her bright blue eyes. I missed her happiness. I missed her soft red lips. I missed her long brunette hair. I missed everything about her.

I didn't even remember kissing that lady! I had been drunk that night. I probably had kissed her thinking she was Kayla. I screwed everything up with one mistake.

I would never hurt Kayla on purpose. She was everything to me.

I groaned and grabbed my laptop. I didn't have much to do being locked up in my room.

I opened up a new window and decided to look at those stupid stories on Sugarscape. They usually made me laugh. But the story I found when I opened the website made my heart stop.

It was a picture of Kayla kissing that Brandon kid she worked with. It didn't look like she was trying to push away. My eyes welled up with tears. I had managed to not cry for about three hours but the fact that she was already over me made me feel like shit.

"This can't be fucking serious!" I screamed, chucking a pillow across my room. It hit my lamp and knocked it over, causing there to be a loud crash.

"You alright harry?" Zayn asked, poking his head into my door. I just buried my head into my hands, as tears streamed down my face. He leaned over and looked at the article on my laptop. His mouth dropped open.

"I'm really sorry Man, It'll be okay." He said, rubbing my back. But I shook my head and lifted it up from my hands.

"Nothing's gonna be okay Zayn."

-Kayla's POV-

I was still crumbled on my couch when I heard a knock on my door. I shuffled to the door slowly and opened it to see Liam, looking disapprovingly at me.

"What's this Kayla?" He asked me, holding up his phone. There was an article open from that stupid gossip site, Sugarscape. There was a picture of Me and Brandon, Kissing.

"No. No. No. No!" I shouted, ripping the phone out of his hand. This had to be some kind of joke.

"Why did you kiss him Kayla?"

"I didn't! He kissed me! He wouldn't get off of me and..and.." Liam grabbed me and wrapped his arms around me. I cried into his shoulder. How many times had I cried in the past three days? More than I could count on both of my hands.

"Did Harry see it?" I whispered, pulling away from his hug.

"Yes.." He mumbled back to me. I sighed and rammed my head into the wall. Why was my life so fucked up?!

"It'll be okay love. I know how you feel." He said rubbed my back

"No you don't Liam." I said, spinning around to face him. "You don't know what's happened to me and now once I thought everything was finally working out, life turns around and smacks me in the face!"

"Baby doll, It's gonna be okay. I'm going through a break up too and I really miss Dani-"

"Danielle doesn't matter Liam!" I screeched at him. I didn't realize what I had said till it had left my mouth. I felt like I had just punched a puppy.

"Liam, I didn't mean that." I said, attempting to apologize to him.

"I gotta go Kayla.." He muttered, heading towards the door. I saw the tears in his eyes. I felt even more like shit now.

"Liam!" I said grabbing his arm, but he shook me off.

"I'm sorry Kayla," He said, walking out and shutting the door behind him. I threw it open again though and ran after him, but he was already gone. I turned and slammed the door to my flat. I leaned up against the door and sunk to the floor, tears streaming out of my eyes.

I reached over and scrambled to find my phone, I needed someone. Anyone.

I called Louis. No answer. I called Eleanor. No answer. I even called Niall and Zayn. No answer. They were all ignoring me.

I had no one.

I stayed there, crumbled on the floor and tears falling out of my eyes for forever, until I finally decided to get up and try to go on with my life. I remembered how tomorrow was that stupid charity concert. I really didn't want to go. I didn't want to perform. I didn't want to ever leave my flat. But I had too. I had to make it seem like nothing was wrong. I didn't want to sing Safe and Sound anymore though.

Then I had the perfect idea.

I grabbed my guitar and my song book and I worked all night on my song so I could perfect it.

I could stay strong. I could get through this.


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