Chapter 32

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It was late November now and Thanksgiving had come and gone. I didn't have time to go back to the states to visit my family but I Skyped my mom and Brooke to say Happy thanksgiving and be there in Skype form. It wasn't as good as actually going to see them but it was the best I could do.

I was more stressed than ever and I'm not good when I'm stressed. I had school, work, and my first album was coming out in a week. I know what you're thinking, an album can't be finished that fast. But since none of it was original songs, just covers, and I worked on it nonstop I was already done. I was excited as hell but also scared, what if it doesn't sell well? I'm hoping and praying it does because I'm wanting to quit my job at Starbucks. I like it but I just don't have time anymore.

I was stressing and panicking and I knew Harry could tell. He would try to comfort me and get me to calm down but the bad thing about me is when I'm stressed I shut everyone out. I probably shouldn't but I can't help it.

I was laying on my bed studying for a music theory exam I had tomorrow. I was extremely tired due to the fact that I also wasn't getting much sleep. I kept having nightmares and it was always the same one, Harry leaving me. But if I had Harry there sleeping next to me with his arms around me the nightmares would stay away.

And to top it all off, It was my time of the month. I was always an emotional wreck on my period and I had the worst cramps ever. Those lovely cramps were here at the moment as well.

"Uuuugh," I groaned as I writhed over in pain. Fuck my life.

I heard a door open and close and someone shout my name. It was Harry.

"Babbee where are you?"

I just groaned as I felt another pain in my stomach.

"Where are you kitten?" He shouted again.

"Go away," I said, throwing a blanket over my whole body and curling into a ball.

"Boo," He whispered, pulling the blanket off my face.

"Nooo," I exclaimed, smacking his arm lightly.

"But I brought you lunch baby doll."

I just groaned and pulled the covers back over my body. Food disgusted me right now. I felt fat and bloated. Except Chocolate. But Isn't that what every girl wants on their period?

I felt the bed creak and arms wrap around my waist. A pair of lips were now attached to my neck. I knew he was gonna want to do this again at some point. We hadn't had sex since Halloween and I wanted too again but right now was defiantly the wrong time.

"Stop Harry," I breathless said as he continued to attack my neck, leaving lovebites I'm sure.

"Why? We haven't done this in forever," I felt his large hands slide down my shirt.

"I can't Harry," I said, wiggling out of his grasp and sitting up on the bed. Another jolt of pain hit me, causing me to bend over in pain. Harry didn't notice though.

"Why can't you?" He scooted closer to me so his face was now inches away from mine, his hand resting on the inside of my thigh.

"Sorry.." I mumbled. I placed his hand back onto his lap and got up, moving towards the bathroom.

–Harry's POV—

Ugh, I wanted her so badly. I didn't know exactly what was going on with her. I know she had been super stressed lately and I've been trying to calm her down but it seemed impossible.

I heard a slam in the bathroom and got up and stood in front of the door, positioning my hands to knock and ask if everything was alright.

"Damn it, out of fucking tampons." I heard her mumble through the door.

Oh. That's what was going on. Well that made perfect sense.

I moved my hand from infront of the door and grabbed my keys. Time for me to win the boyfriend of the year award.

–Kayla's POV—

I didn't know what I was gonna do now cause I looked like shit and didn't want to leave my house. I just put on a pad and stumbled out of my bathroom to find harry gone.

That asshole. Obviously all he wanted from me was sex. Horny bastard.

I fell back onto my bed with my hands wrapped around my stomach, trying to stop the pain. I was also out of ibuprofen but it didn't work anyway.

About twenty minutes later I heard my front door open and footsteps. I managed to make myself sit up as the person entered the room. And it happened to be Harry carrying Tampons, Chocolate, sappy movies, and ibuprofen.

"Just some stuff for the most amazing girl in the world." He said with a little grin on his face. I rolled my eyes at his cuteness and got up to hug him, trying to ignore the pain.

"You are the best boyfriend ever," I whispered into his ear.

"I try," He said cheekily, "I thought we could watch these movies and cuddle. What do you say?"

"I'd love too," I said, "But let me do this first."

I grabbed the box of the tampons out of his hand and walked into the bathroom. He had managed to buy the correct kind surprisingly. I took care of everything I had to and walked out to see Harry laying on the couch with one of the movies already in the DVD player.

I sat down next to him and he wrapped his arms around me, nestling his face into the crook of my neck.

"You know the cashier at the drug store looked at me really funny when I bought those tampons for you,"

"But don't you need them babe?" I asked sarcastically. He just laughed at me and pulled me in closer to him.

It didn't take long for me to drift off to sleep into his arms, the cramps and stress disappearing.

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