Chapter 28

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"M'lady," Harry said, opening my door and taking my hand. He used his other hand to cover my eyes.

"You really have to do this again? What if I fall!" I said, giggling.

"Don't worry, I'll catch you." He whispered into my ear. I could feel his hot breath on my neck, which sent shivers down my spin. Damn it Kayla, calm yourself.

"One, two, three!" He said, moving his hand from my eyes. We were standing in a beautiful restaurant. There were colorful exquisite paintings covering the very high ceiling and walls. Large, Sparkly chandeliers were hanging from the ceiling. Many Waiters and Waitresses bustled about, holding trays of delicious steaming food.

"Come on," He said, leading me over to our table. I guess while I was gawking over the restaurant Harry had gotten our table. He pulled out a chair for me, like the gentleman he was.

"Dang Harry, This place is beautiful! You didn't have to do all this for me."

"Stop saying that." He said, taking the seat across from me. He grabbed my hand from under the table and squeezed it, making me smile.

The waiter came quickly, handing us our menus and getting our drink orders.

"There's so much to choose from.." I mumbled, looking over the menu. There was a full page just with kinds of salads on them.

"Get as much as you want love, Please." He looked into my eyes as he said the last part. I knew what he meant. I had been eating much more than I used too, but still not enough.

"I will babe. But all this stuff looks so filling and it's so expensive!" I exclaimed, eyes widening when I noticed that the cheapest thing on the menu was 30 dollars.

"It's all on me love,"

"You buy too much for me" I mumbled, right as the waiter came back to take our other orders. Harry ordered some kind of steak thing and I just order the tomato and basil fettuccini alfredo. Pasta was one of my favorite foods and it wasn't that bad for you, so I was okay with eating it.

I looked over to the other side of the beautiful restaurant to see a young couple. The man was on one knee, holding a small velvet box. I gasped and smiled as I realized what was happening. Harry noticed me looking over and he turned to watch too.

"Samantha Ann Hughes, Will you Marry me?" I heard him say.

"Of course!" The woman exclaimed, jumping up and hugging her now fiancée.

"Aww," I cooed, "That was adorable."

"That'll be us someday babe." Harry smiled.

My breathe caught in my throat, What did he just say?

"Harry, I don't want to get married for a long time. We're only 18."

"I know, but someday. Maybe a few years, Maybe sooner." He quickly said, leaning over and kissing my nose. He knew that I loved when he did that. I giggled quietly, as my face turned bright red.

Our food arrived soon after and I dug in. I was actually quite hungry for once. Harry fed me parts of his steak and it was quite adorable, if I do say so myself. I couldn't finish my food, which made Harry think I didn't want to eat.

"Eat Baby doll."

"Harry, I am stuffed. I can not eat one more bite so unless you want me to explode I probably shouldn't eat anymore." I said. He raised his eyebrow as if he didn't believe me.

"I promise!" I assured him. He just laughed and squeezed my hand again.

"I believe you babe."

I didn't even want to LOOK at the bill. I really felt bad about Harry paying for it all, so I gave him 30 dollars. He wouldn't take it but I eventually made him.

He took my hand and led me back out to the limo. I was absolutely freezing in my strapless dress. Why didn't I grab a jacket or something? It was October. Harry noticed my shivering and wrapped his arm around me. I snuggled into him as we drove back to my flat. He led me back up to my flat and came in with me, never letting go of my hand.

"That dress looks so amazing on you." He whispered, pulling me close to him. His arms were wrapped around my waist now.

"So does that suit." I whispered back.

I crashed my lips onto his and wrapped my arms around his neck. He kissed me back passionately, pulling me even closer. He detached his lips from mine and moved to my neck, kissing me right under my ear. I moaned as he softly bit me. I giggled as I felt his bulge rubbing against my leg. I lifted up his chin and moved his lips back to mine.

"Come on, we should move to the bedroom." I breathlessly said against his lips.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked, inbetween kisses.

"Yes," I whispered, without really thinking. I did, didn't I? Well..I guess I did. But he picked me up anyway and carried me into my bedroom. He laid me gently onto the bed and climbed on top of me.

I watched him pull his shirt over his head and chuck it across the room. Damn, I loved his body. I traced his abs, while he moved back to my neck. I was sure to have lovebites in the morning.

He moved his hands under me and unzipped my dress quickly. I sat up a little and shook it off of me.

"Damn," I heard him mumble, as he examined me in my black lingerie. I just smirked as I pushed him back down onto the bed. I quickly undid his belt buckle and slid off his pants, throwing them across the room. I began to attack his lips again, slipping my tongue into his mouth. I felt his hand on the buckle of my bra and I felt him undo it. He slung it across the room. I pulled down his boxers at the same time, exposing his little friend. He pulled my underwear down and threw it to God knows where, and then flipped me over so that he could be on top.

I opened my eyes and screamed, pushing him off of me. I guess I pushed a little too hard, because he fell off the bed.

"What the hell Kayla? What is it?" He frantically said, getting up and crawling back onto the bed, "Are you okay?" He asked, as he saw the tears glistening in my eyes and my shaking body.

"I'm fine.." I mumbled, "Just keep going."

"No, You're not okay. Come here love."

I sighed and let him wrap his arms around me. He started rubbing circles in my back and tried to calm me.

"Let's just go to sleep ok? Good night beautiful." He said.

"Goodnight.." I said, still shaking.

But I couldn't fall asleep. My mind was racing. I pushed Harry off because I had seen HIM, My ex. It reminded me of the time he had almost raped me. It scared me so much that I pushed him off of me, forgetting that it was Harry and not him. I tried to calm myself by reminding me that he was gone for good. I had Harry here to watch over me and keep me from getting hurt.

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