Chapter 34

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"HARRY WAKE UP. WAKE UP. WAKE UP!" I shouted, shaking Harry while he slept. I had been awake for about an hour, half of that time being spent looking at Harry while he slept. I couldn't help it! He looked so adorable. But I was now tired of watching and wanted him awake to tell him the amazing news I had received this morning.

"What time is it?" He grumbled in his extremely sexy and raspy morning voice.

"Like 8 am. Come on, get up! I want to show you something." I said, grabbing his hand and trying to pull the boy out of bed.

"I want to sleep though babe." He said, putting a pillow over his head and attempting to block me out. But I wasn't gonna give up that easily. I grabbed my guitar and started to play it loudly in his face, belting One Direction songs at the same time.


"I'm up!" He said, sitting up and throwing his hands into the air, admitting defeat.

"Come on, I want to show you something." I said, grabbing his hand and leading him into the living room, where my open laptop was sitting. I turned to be met with him standing there with only boxers on and his hair going every which way.

"Whatcha looking at?" He asked, with a smirk.

"N-Nothing," I stuttered and turned back to my laptop to pull up the page.

"What is this you're showing me?"

I turned back around and smiled, holding my laptop so he could see the screen. "Look whs album is number 10 on the top albums chart." He leaned over and scanned through the list. His face burst into a smile and he looked up at me, as I put the laptop back down.

"I'm so proud of you babe!" He exclaimed, engulfed me in a warm embrace.

"And It's only been out for one week!" I said, once he had let me go.

"You're just that amazing." He said, kissing me gently on the lips, "And I'm gonna make you breakfast to celebrate!" He said happily as he frolicked into the kitchen. I giggled at his cuteness as he grabbed the pans and pancake mix.

"You know tomorrow is December 1st." He stated, as He poured the mix into the pan on the stove.

"Oh damn, I just realized that! I've bought nothing.." I trailed off, as I sat at the table. I loved Christmas time but at the same time I hated it. I never knew what to buy people and I hated crowds so much. I had to get presents for my family, all the boys, and Harry! What was I gonna get Harry? I wanted to get him something special, but what?

"What do you want to do for Christmas?"

"Oh I dunno.." I mumbled. I really wanted my family to be here but it probably would have to be Harry paying for the plane tickets and I didn't want to make him do that. Harry set down a plate of pancakes in front of me and then set one across from me for himself. I fiddled with my fork a little before cutting into one of the sweet pancakes.

"Well I was talking to my mum last night and she wants you to come spend Christmas with my family, if that's okay with you.." He said.

"I'd love to." I said, trying not to let him hear my disappointment that I wasn't going to be spending Christmas with my family.

"Well good, because I know Anne really wants to meet you." He said, with a mouthful of pancakes.

"Harry, You're dropping pieces of pancake on your lap." I said, with a giggle. He picked them up and laughed as he threw them at me, making me squeal.

"Stop! You're getting syrup on me." I said inbetween my laughs, "Now I have to go clean myself up." I stood up from the table and ran into my bedroom before he could attack me anymore. I could hear him outside of my door, chuckling loudly.

Once I was finally safe in my room, I stripped off my syrup covered tank top and pants and turned on the water for my shower.

"Hey Babe, I'm gonna go up to my and the boys flat to take a shower and stuff. I'll be back later and I'm sorry for getting syrup all over you." I heard Harry say from the other side of the door.

"Ok, bye and you aren't forgiven." I replied sarcastically, before stepping into the shower.

That damn boy had managed to get syrup and pancake all over me, even in my hair! It definitely wasn't easy to get out. He was adorable though, even if he did act like a 5 year old sometimes.

I dried myself off and walked out of the bathroom, into my room. I grabbed my phone and decided to shoot Eleanor a call. Since tomorrow is December 1st and I've bought nothing or have an idea of what to buy anyone.


"Hey El! Well I kind of just realized that tomorrow is December 1st and I've bought nothing. Want to go shopping today?"

"Sure! I'll be at your flat in an hour?"

"Sounds good! See you then." I hung up my phone and threw it on my bed. I walked over to my closet and began to search for something to wear, since I was still just wrapped in a towel.

While I was still searching I heard a loud knock on my door. Eleanor couldn't be here already. I didn't want to go see who it was though, since I was basically naked. But I guess I didn't have much of a choice.

I scampered to the door, my towel wrapped tightly around me, and looked out the peep hole.

It was a large man that I didn't recognize. What could he be doing at my flat? I was hesitant about opening the door, but he wouldn't stop knocking aggressively on the door. My heart was pounding so loud. I wish Harry hadn't have left.

I opened the door slightly and squeaked out a small "Yes?"

"Hey Kayla." The man said with a smirk, pushing the door open all the way with his large fist.

Right then I remembered who he was

And my heart stopped. 

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