Chapter 22

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I woke up at 8:00 in the morning, because I had to go to work today. I sat up slowly and rubbed my neck. That couch was defiantly not the comfiest place to sleep but I had been exhausted. I slowly got up and went to get dressed for work this morning. I got ready, grabbed my bag, and left.

It was a beautiful day and I was in a really good mood. Why? I have no idea.

I arrived at the Starbucks and Lindsey was there, but not Brandon. I thought he was gonna be working today but I guess not.

"Hey Lindsey!" I said, setting my bag down and putting on my apron.

"Hey chickadee!" She said.

"Where's Brandon? I thought he would be here today."

"Nah, He called me saying he had to do something, I dunno." She said, while sweeping the floor.

"He's been so weird lately. Like whenever Harry comes in he acts all upset."

"Well, maybe he likes you." Lindsey mumbled.

"Nice joke Linds." I said, giggling.

"I'm being serious, he totally acts like it." She said. She seemed upset now, and I didn't know why.

"Are you okay? You seem upset now."

"I'm fine." She replied.

"You like him don't you?!" I said, it finally hitting me. Her eyes widened and her pale face turned bright red.

"No.." She said, but I knew she was lying.

"You do. You guys would be adorable together!"

"But he likes you! Not me."

"And I like Harry, not him. I'm gonna try to get you guys together." I said, playfully winking at her and then going to take a customers order. It was basically a normal work day and everything was going fine, until the mail came.

"Thank you!" I told the mailman and then started the flip through the mail. My eyes landed on some sleazy magazine that I guess Lindsey has a subscription to. And none other than Harry was on the cover and no, not just Harry but Harry kissing a woman who looked to be at least 35. My eyes widened and my breath caught in my throat.

"Hey Kayla you okay?" Lindsey asked, coming up behind me and seeing the magazine in my hand, "Oh my.." She whispered.

I couldn't take my eyes away from that picture. Why would Harry do this to me, to us? I actually thought he cared about me but obviously he didn't if he was gonna go suck face with some whore.

"Give it to me Kayla." Lindsey said, trying to rip the magazine from my grasp but I held onto it too tight.

"I have to go.." I mumbled, yanking my apron off and throwing the magazine into my bag. I raced out the door, not even saying goodbye.

I raced down the sidewalk, as fast as I could, to my flat. I didn't even notice that I was crying. Tears were just slowly sliding down my cheek as I ran. I wasn't just upset though, I was angry as well. Harry knew everything that had happened to me and then he just turned around and went after another woman?! They could have fucked for all I know.

I finally reached my building and ran to the boys flat. I had to see Harry now.

I didn't knock, I just walked right in and was met with all the boys lying on the couch. They all looked up when I came in though and Harry and Liam came running over when they saw my tear stained face.

"Kayla? Are you okay?" Liam asked, but I just ignored him and turned straight to Harry. I pulled the magazine out of my bag and held it up for him to see.

"What the actual fuck is this Harry?" I asked, trying to keep calm but I knew I wouldn't be able to. I didn't get mad often and when I did I got really mad.

Harry's mouth fell open and his eyes widened. "Kayla, I-it isn't want it looks like."

"Really Harry? Then what is it?" I asked.

"Uh..Um.." He stuttered. I started crying again. I thought he would say that he didn't kiss her and she kissed him and he pushed her off right after the picture was taken or something, but he didn't.

"Exactly. You know what Harry? I don't fucking care. Go make out with your slutty old women cause we're done." I exclaimed, hurling the magazine at Harry's chest and running out. I ran up the stairs to my room, tears falling out of my eyes.

I ran into my flat and directly into my bedroom, throwing myself onto the bed and crying into my pillow. This was the second time I had been cheated on. Why wasn't I good enough for everyone? What was wrong with me?

I had been laying there crying for I don't know how long when I felt two warm arms wrap around my waist and pull me close to him. I hadn't even heard anyone come in over the sounds of my sobs.

I looked up to be met with a pair of brown eyes. "Liam?" I whispered.

"Shhh Love, everything will be okay." He said, rubbing my arm and kissing my head. But I knew he was wrong.

Everything would not be okay.

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