Chapter 19

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I had been walking for about 5 minutes when I came across a Starbucks. I really missed my job at Starbucks back in Nashville. My eyes came across a Help wanted sign in the window. I could work here! It was perfect. I already knew how to do anything, unless they did anything different which they probably didn't since most Starbucks did the same thing. I walked in and was met by a little blonde girl with glasses.

"Hi! Can I help you?" She asked, cheerfully.

"Hey! I saw your help wanted sign and I'm looking for a job." I said.

"Oh! Well I'm Lindsey and I'm the manager." She said, coming out from behind the counter and holding out her hand

"I'm Kayla," I said, shaking it.

"You look so familiar to me...Have I seen you before?" My eyes widened. If I told her I was Harry Styles Girlfriend she may not want to hire me.

"Um I don't think so." I mumbled. She looked uncertain but gave up and started to ask about me.

"Well I'm 18. I'm about to start school at London school of performing arts. I just moved here two days ago from America-"

"I could tell from your accent." She said, cutting me off and laughing. I just smiled and continued.

"I used to work at a Starbucks where I used to live so I know how to do everything pretty much. I don't really know what else to say."

"You seem like a perfect fit for the job! We only have like 5 workers right now so we really need help. You're hired." She said

"Really?" I asked, That was really really easy.

"Yes! You can start tomorrow if you'd like."

"I'd love too. Thank you so much!" I said, starting to head towards the door but Lindsey stopped me.

"I know where I've seen you!" She exclaimed and I whirled around, "You're dating Harry Styles!"

"Um.." I mumbled, "Yeah..."

"I was just watching the interview. It was the sweetest thing in the world." She said, still smiling at me. I guess she wasn't one of the girls that hated me for dating Harry.

I smiled and nodded "Yeah, he's pretty amazing."

"Don't tell anybody, but I'm a diehard directioner and you know since I'm giving you this job you should bring the boys here sometime" She said, winking at me and giggling.

"Of course!" I said, giggling with her, "Well, see you tomorrow? What time should I be here?"

"Be here at 9? Thanks!" She said, going back behind the counter and starting to wipe it down. I waved and walked out.

Then I realized that I had no idea where I had come from or where I was going. I couldn't call Liam cause that'd give him the satisfaction of him being right. I decided to ask Lindsey which way to go.

"Hey Lindsey, Um I kinda don't know which way to get back to my flat." I said, poking my head back into the Starbucks. I gave her the address and she gave me the instructions to get back there. I thanked her then walked back out. I was walking down the sidewalk when my phone went off in my bag. I pulled it out and checked the caller I.D. and my heart dropped. It was Him. I shook as I picked it up.

"H-hello." I stuttered.

"What the hell do you think you're doing." I heard him say. I didn't know what he meant, I mean we had been broken up for over a year and he cheated on me anyway.

"What do you mean?" I mumbled

"You're dating a stuck up faggy popstar." He spat into the phone.

"You're an asshole. Don't you dare say that about him."

"You really went from me to him? You must have real low standards."

"Leave me the fuck alone."

"Fine. Have fun you dirty whore." He said, hanging up. I threw my phone back into my bag and stomped back to my apartment, automatically put into a bad mood. Why can't he just leave me alone?!

I finally arrived to the boys flat and walked in. Harry was sitting on the couch and he jumped up to hug me when I walked in.

"Kayla!" He said, wrapping his arms around me. I feebly hugged him back. He pulled away slightly and looked into my eyes. He could tell something was wrong.

"What happened love?" He asked, concern in his voice. I just shook my head.

"Nothing." I mumbled, unwrapping my arms from his body and sitting on the couch, "I got a job today."

"That's good, Where?" he asked, sitting back down next to me. I could tell he still knew something was wrong.

"At this Starbucks not too far away from here." I said, feeling my phone buzz in my purse. I pulled it out and glanced at the text.

"That fag will never love you. No one will." It read. Harry looked over and saw the tear that fell down my cheek. He leaned over and read the text.

"Who's that?!" He exclaimed, anger in his voice.

"Um..Nobody" I managed to say.

"Tell me who it is Kayla." He looked about ready to blow up.

"M-my ex..." I mumbled. He yanked my phone out of my hand and I watched him type something out and hit send. He handed it back to me and I looked at what he had sent.

"Leave her alone you douchebag. Stop contacting her" I read to myself, just as my phone buzzed again.

"You're gonna regret saying that." It said. He leaned over, read it and sighed.

"I'm so sorry you still have to deal with him." He said, wrapping his arm around me and pulling me closer to him. I just sighed and nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck.

"I'll be okay just as long as I have you."

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