Chapter 7

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I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache. I rolled over on my side and opened one eye to look at my clock. It read 9:30 AM. I groaned and shut my eyes again and all of last night came flooding back to me, The Concert, the party, the kiss. I laid there and imagined it all over again but my thoughts were interrupted by my phone going off.

"We are Never ever ever getting back together we are nev-" It sang until I snatched it up and answered it.

"hello.?" I asked, half asleep. I didn't even bother to check the caller ID. So I had no idea who it was.

"Goodmorning Love!" I heard the other person say, then I realized it was Harry.

"Goodmorning.." I said, inbetween a yawn.

"Did I wake you?"

"Kayla? Are you awake? Come down here!" I heard Brooke say from downstairs. I covered up the phone and yelled.

"YEAH. JUST WAIT A SECOND." And then I went back to Harry "Sorry, No you didn't. I was already awake."

Harry laughed and said "Well I don't have anything going on today so I was wondering if you wanted to go to lunch or something."

I smiled and said "Of course I would Harry."

"I'll pick you up at 12:30?"

"Sounds good." I said, still smiling. "I was going on a date, with Harry styles" I thought to myself, My fangirl mind squealing

"See you later babe." Harry said and ended the call. I jumped out of bed and skipped downstairs, suddenly very awake.

"You seem happy.." Brooke said, giving me a sly smile. I just giggled and then realized how hungry I actually was. I ate nothing last night and I was usually used to eating nothing but today my stomach was grumbling loudly. I decided to actually eat a decent meal for once. I made myself some scrambled eggs and sat down at the table, still smiling widely.

"My god Kayla. I'm about to explode! What happened last night after I left?!" Brooke exclaimed.

I told her everything that happened and when I told her about the kiss she started screaming.


"Calm down Brooke, Jeez" I said, giggling. "I'm going out with him again today."

Brooke winked and said "What are you guys gonna do? Hmm?"

"He said he's gonna take me to lunch. I don't know where though. He's picking me up at 12:30." I said

"OHEMGEE WE HAVE TO GET YOU READY. COME ON. COME ON." Brooke yelled, yanking me up out of my chair

"Brooke! It's only 9:30!" I groaned but she pulled me up to my room anyway.

She started rummaging through my closet as I went to take a shower. I took a long relaxing shower, until Brooke started hammering on the door.


I quickly turned off the water and wrapped myself with a towel. I walked out and Brooke was standing there with a Light Blue lace top and some Light blue jean shorts. "Put this on and show me when you're done." She said, walking back to her room. I quickly pulled the top over my head and slipped on the shorts. I had forgotten I even owned this to be honest. I came out and walked into Brooke's room and did a little spin.

"Now go Blow dry your hair." Brooke commanded, hardly looking up from some magazine she was reading.

"Gosh Miss Bossy.." I mumbled, walking back into the bathroom and drying my hair really well. I then straightened it again. I decided to go ahead and do my makeup. I checked the clock and it read 10:45.He wouldn't be here for another Hour and a half at least. So I took my time with my makeup, putting on my foundation, powder, blush, lipstick, eyeshadow, eyeliner, and fake eyelashes slowly. By the time I was done it was already 11:30. I quickly went back to Brooke's room to get her seal of approval.

"The whole look is missing something.." She said and then her eyes brightened and she ran back into my room, grabbing some blue earrings and a heart necklace. She quickly put them on me and smiled

"Oh and here's your shoes, and your bag." She said handing them to me. I slipped on the white sandals and slung the white bag over my shoulder.

"Voila! The look is complete!" She said, beaming.

I looked at myself in the mirror and admired. It was really cute. It seemed like my sister had some kind of gift when it came to fashion.

"Thanks Brookie." I said, hugging her and glancing over at the clock. It read 12:00.

He'd probably be here early so I just went back to my room and goofed around on my laptop. At 12:17 the doorbell rang. I was looking in the mirror, making sure I looked perfect but before I could make it downstairs Brooke had already answered the door. I stopped in the hallway and listened to what they were gonna say before I went down there.

"Hello Brooke! How are you?"

"I'm doing good. Thanks Harry!"

"Where's your amazing sister?" I blushed and slowly walked down the stairs to the front door.

"I'm here!" I said giggling.

"You look beautiful." He said, kissing me on the cheek.

"Ick. Gross." Brooke said, giggling.

I rolled my eyes, " We should probably get going, See ya later Brooke!" I said, walking out the door hand in hand with Harry. We climbed into his car and He began to drive, still holding onto my hand.

"Where exactly are we going?" I asked

"You'll see" He said, smiling. 

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