Chapter 14

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"Come on," Harry Instructed. I took his hand and he led me out of the elevator and into his flat. Louis was sprawled out on the couch watching mindless Television and Niall was in the kitchen eating a sandwich. Zayn and Liam weren't here. Louis looked up and saw me. He got up and came over to hug me, While Niall waved and continued to eat his sandwich.

"Kayla! Nice to see you babe. Here let me help you with that," He said, taking one of my suitcases and carrying it to the guest room and set it on the floor. Harry followed close behind with my other suitcases.

"Here's your room, Unless of course you want to be in Harry's room with him." Louis said, winking. I blushed and looked down at my Toms. Louis walked back to the living room and I was left alone with Harry.

"Do you need any help putting your stuff away?" He asked me.

"No thanks, I think I can do it myself" I said, giggling as I started to hang my clothes up in the closet.

"Okay love, I'll just be over in my room if you need me." He said, and walked out.

I continued to hang up my clothes until I heard Liam and Zayn come in

"WE HAVE FOOD!" They shouted and I walked out of my room to where they were. They each had two large pizzas in their hand.

"Good, I'm Starving!" Niall exclaimed

"We're celebrating because we have a new roomie!" Liam said, smiling at me.

"Thanks guys," I said smiling, "But you don't have to do anything special for me."

"Yes we do cause you're special." Harry said, coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around me, making me giggle.

"Damn, the effect this boy has on me is crazy." I thought to myself as Harry released me and handed me a plate. The other boys got at least one piece of every pizza while I only got one, which I probably wouldn't even eat all of. I went and sat on the couch, next to Harry. He wrapped his arm around me and I snuggled up against his chest.

"Barf." Louis said, pretending to puke out his pizza. I just rolled my eyes at him and took a tiny bite of my pizza.

"I'm Bored." Niall said, with a mouth full of pizza.

"Um..We can play a game?" I suggested.

"Like what?" Liam asked

"Truth or dare!" Louis exclaimed

"I guess we could, there's nothing better to do." Zayn said.

"Okay, Louis since you suggested it you get to go first. Truth or dare?" Niall asked

"Dare!" Louis said, happily. I guess he really liked this game.

"I dare you to take off your shirt and pants and go to the flat downstairs knock on the door, scream, and then run away." Niall said, shoving pizza into his mouth.

"Easy as pie." Louis said, starting to strip off his pants and shirt. He started to run to the elevator.

"Come on!"I said, getting up, grabbing Harry's hand and running after Louis. I wanted to see this for myself. The other boys followed close behind

Sure enough he did it. And Me and the boys were laughing our heads off the whole time. The woman at the door just stared in disgust and slammed the door in Louis's face. We went back up to their flat, still laughing about it.

"Okay's Lou, you pick somebody." Liam said, after we were seated again and I was snuggled up next to Harry again.

"Kayla! Truth or dare?" Louis asked.

"Truth." I said, taking another small bite of my pizza.

"What's the craziest place you've ever had sex?" He asked with a sly smile on his face.

My eyes widened and I blushed. Truth was, I've never had sex. They'd probably laugh at me if I told them but it was a truth.

"Uh.." I stuttered, "I've never actually had sex.." I mumbled

"Are you serious? Not even with Harry?" Louis asked, astonished.

"Hey!" I said, throwing a pillow at him and it hit him right in the face. He dramatically fell over and I giggled.

"Moving on," I said and we continued to play Truth or Dare. We ended up dressing Harry up as a girl, which was hilarious, Niall eating a whole thing of ketchup and then throwing up, and Zayn singing and dancing to Call me Maybe. I was already really good friends with all these boys. It was midnight and I was really tired so Harry picked me up, said goodnight to all the boys and carried me to my room. He set me down on my bed, kissed my forehead and was about to leave when I grabbed him.

"Stay," I mumbled softly to him.

He got into the bed with me and wrapped his protective arms around me. He smelled heavenly and he was so warm. I felt so safe with him

"Goodnight beautiful." He said softly.

"Goodnight.." I replied, drifting off to sleep.

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