Chapter 11

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We arrived at my house about 20 minutes later. Harry took my hand and we walked to the front door. We hadn't even reached the door when it slung open and Brooke and Amy were standing there.

"Hey Kayla! Hey Harry!" Brooke shouted. Amy was frozen, staring at Harry.

"Oh my god. You're Harry Styles." Amy mumbled.

Harry Laughed and said, "Yes I am Love."

"Why didn't you tell me Harry freaking Styles was coming?!!" Amy loudly asked Brooke

"Surprise!" She said, giggling. Amy smacked her and walked back inside.

"I guess she's better!" I said.

"Yeah, she started feeling better this morning." Brooke said, walking back in with Amy.

I giggled as I walked inside with Harry, "Would you like to meet my mom?"

"Of course I do babe." He said, squeezing my hand as we walked into the kitchen.

"Hey Mama," I said, kissing her on the cheek.

"Hey Baby doll!" She said, while putting something in the oven, "And you must be Harry,"

"Yes ma'am. It's so nice to meet you." He said

"So this is the boy you've loved for two years?" My mom said laughing.

"MOTHER!" I exclaimed. Harry started laughing and my face turned bright red.

"Dinner won't be ready for at least 15 more minutes."

"Okay, Thanks mom." I said, rushing out of the kitchen dragging Harry behind me, "Come on." I said, taking him up the stairs and into my room.

"I'm sorry about my mother, she likes to embarrass me." I said

"It's okay babe, I think it's cute." He said, smiling and kissing me. I smiled as I deepened it and I felt his hand trying to go down my shorts. I pulled away quickly and removed his hand.

"Woah there Tiger." I said, "None of that." His face fell and I pecked him on the lips quickly.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom, I'll be back in a second. Don't mess up anything." I said, giggling as I walked to the bathroom. I got stopped by Brooke and Amy though.

"What are you going in your bedroom hmm?" Brooke said, winking at me.

"Nothing Brooke, I swere." I said, trying to get past her.

Amy raised her eyebrow "Really?"

"Really!" I exclaimed, laughing as I went to the bathroom. After I was done, I walked back to my room to find Harry sitting at my desk, on my Laptop, laughing. Then I realized, I had left my tumblr up.

"Harry!" I exclaimed, as he made the chair turn and he looked at me.

"I really like your blog Kayla." He said, still laughing.

"Get. Off. Of. My. Tumblr." I said, pushing him out of the chair.

"I like how it says Future Mrs. Styles." He said, laughing hysterically now.

"SHUT UP." I said, looking over my blog to see if he did anything. Thankfully, he didn't but still. My face was bright red and I crossed my arms and turned my back to him.

"I'm sorry Babe.." He said, walking over to me and hugging me from behind.

"I dunno if I forgive you yet.." I said. He leaned over and kissed me.

"Now?" He asked smiling.

I nodded and turned around, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him. And that was the moment Amy and Brooke decided to come in to tell us dinner was ready.

"KNEW YOU WEREN'T DOING NOTHING!" Amy exclaimed, Scaring both me and Harry and making us jump apart.

"Good God Amy..Almost gave me a heart attack." I said.

Brooke just giggled and said "Dinner's ready. Come on Amy, let's go." And they left.

"Why does someone always interrupt?" I asked, as we walked down the stairs to dinner. I sat down next to Harry, with Amy and Brooke across from us and mom was at the head of the table. She had made some kind of Chicken thing, I don't even know. I wasn't eating very much of It and Harry noticed. He looked at me and Mouthed "Eat Please" I looked down and ate more of it.

"So..Mom, I wanted to ask you about something." I said, looking at Harry and he smiled at me encouragingly. He knew that I was gonna ask about London.

"Yes?" She asked

"Well..You know how I got accepted to LSOPA? Harry offered to pay for the rest for me to go.." I mumbled

"I would love to. Kayla is an amazing singer and guitar player and she needs to go to that school." Harry chimed in.

"But then you'd be moving to.." Brooke whispered

"I'd be moving to London Brookie." I said

"I don't know Kayla.." My mom said

"Please mom. Me and Harry have discussed it. He's gonna let me stay in his flat with him until we find me my own and he'll help me find a job. And I'll pay him back for what he's paying for LSOPA."

"Wait. Wait. We didn't talk about you paying me back. You don't have to love." Harry said

"Yes I do Harry, Please let me." I said

Harry sighed "We'll talk about this later."

"When would you leave Kayla?" My mom asked

"Probably like two weeks.." I mumbled

"I'm leaving to go back to London in two days but I don't think Kayla should leave that early." Harry said

"Well Babydoll..I really do want you to go to that school because you are very talented and I know Harry will be looking after you in London, or at least I hope he will, so I'm saying you can go." My mom said.

I smiled and looked over at Harry, who was smiling too. "I promise I'll look after her Mrs. Turner."

"Please, Call me Sarah." My mom said.

We all finished our dinner, Well I ate about half of mine which is good for me, and me and Harry went back up to my room. Harry eyed my guitar and smiled

"Will you play me a song?" He asked

I smiled and said "I'd love too." I picked up my guitar and sat down. I pulled out my guitar book and decided to play him one of my favorite Ed Sheeran songs. He sat down on my bed and watched as I strummed the first chord and began to sing.

"I'm gonna pick up the pieces, and build a lego house." I continued to play and when I got to the chorus Harry started to sing with me.

"I'm out of touch, I'm out of love. I'll pick you up when you're getting down and of all these things I've done I think I love you better now" We sang together. He continued to sing with me until the end.

He leaned in about to kiss me when his phone went off. I sighed and he answered it quickly.

"Hello? Yeah. Wait-what? Why? ..Okay. Bye." He said, ending the call and looking upset

"What is it babe?" I asked, worried

"I have to go back to London tomorrow morning."

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