Chapter 26

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I stalked off the stage after I had finished singing and walked back to the boys. They all pulled me into a hug but it didn't help. I wasn't over her and it never seemed like I would be. She had ran. I didn't even get to say anything to her.

I watched as a red headed girl walked onto the stage. I become bored and pulled my phone back out. I opened Twitter and scrolled through my newsfeed. My eyes fell on a tweet Kayla had made. It was two simple words that made my heart drop.

"I'm Done."

I knew what she was doing. She couldn't. I instantly panicked and grabbed Liam's arm.

"We have to go to Kayla's flat. Now." I shouted, running through the crowd of people. Liam looked at me confusingly and I heard him shouting after me, but I didn't stop running. She could already be dead for all I know. I turned my head and saw Liam, not to far behind me. The other boys were running behind him. I picked up my pace and raced all the way to her flat. I was panting by the time I had gotten there but I didn't stop, I couldn't stop.

The door was wide open so I walked right in.

"Kayla? Kayla?!" I began to shout, looking throughout the whole flat for her. Liam came in close after me, short of breath.

"Harry..What are you doing?" He asked me. But I didn't answer him, because I had found Kayla. I knew it. She was sitting on the floor of her bathroom, surrounded in blood that was dripping from her wrist.

"Kayla!" I gasped. I ripped the razor out of her hand and bent down, shaking her. I watched her eyes flutter close and her breathing slow. I turned around to see that Liam finally got to where I was.

"Call 911. Do something!" I shouted to him. His eyes widened and he pulled out his phone quickly. I attempted to try to get her to wake up, but it was no use.

"What is going on-" I heard Niall shout, but stop when he got to the door. Louis and Zayn were behind them. I didn't look up at them. I kept my eyes on Kayla. What if she died? What would I do? This was all my fault. If I just hadn't have gone out that night and kissed that woman she wouldn't be like this right now. I wiped the blood from her wrist and kissed the scars. I instantly tasted the blood in my mouth but I ignored it.

"The ambulance is on it's way." Liam said, coming back into the bathroom. I nodded but didn't turn to look at Liam. I just grabbed Kayla's hand and continued to stare at her.

"Come on Kayla, Wake up. Wake up." I begged, squeezing her hand. I didn't move or get up. I stayed sitting there, holding her hand until the ambulance came, which wasn't that long. They put her on the gurney and rolled her into the large truck. Me and the boys rode in Liam's car, behind it to the hospital.

Once they would finally let me go into the hospital room with her, I sat next to her the whole time, holding her hand and praying that she would wake up.

–Kayla's POV—

I woke up in a brightly lite room. I had no idea where I was. I felt tired and weak. My eyes felt like bricks, but somehow I managed to open them. It looked like I was in a hospital room and there was a young boy sitting next to me. He had his head in his hands and he looked like he was crying. Then I realized who it was. It was Harry. Everything came flooding back into my mind. I had almost killed myself. But why was I alive?

"Ha-Ha-Harry?" I croaked out, attempting to reach over and touch his knee. He looked up and his face lite up instantly.

"Kayla! You're awake!" He said. I noticed two more tears sliding down his cheeks. I'm guessing they were tears of joy.

"Why am I here? Why aren't I dead?" I whispered

"I found you and I called 911. Kayla, why did you do it?"

"I-I felt like no one cared. I mean you hated me, the boys hated me, Lindsey hates me, I don't have a job, your fans make me feel like shit and I just didn't know what else to do."

"Babe, I don't hate you. I never could hate you. I thought you hated me actually.."

"I didn't and about Brandon... I don't like him. He grabbed me and he kissed me. So, I guess he likes me I dunno. But, I don't like him I swe-" I was cut off by Harry, pressing his lips onto mine softly. The kiss only lasted about three seconds but it was sweet.

"I believe you kitten." He whispered into my ear, "And I'm sorry. I was drunk that night and that woman kissed me. The paps just caught the picture at the wrong time, so it looks like I'm kissing her back."

I smiled, my first genuine smile in what seemed like forever. He gently climbed into the small hospital bed with me and wrapped his arms around my skinny torso. He traced his finger along the gauze on my left wrist.

"Promise me you'll never do it again." He said softly into my ear.

"I promise." I whispered back to him and I knew then that, as long as I had Harry, I would keep that promise.

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