Chapter 13

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Two weeks passed by faster than I thought it would. I spent it hanging out with Lauren, buying new clothes for London with Brooke, packing, and working at the local Starbucks, which is my job or, should I say, WAS my job.

Today was the morning I was leaving for London. It was three AM. I swear, I have never been awake this early in my life. I literally rolled out of bed and fell on the floor. I groaned and managing to finally get up off the floor after laying there for, what felt like, 5 minutes. I groaned and slowly got up.

"Honey, are you awake?" I heard my mom say, peeking in the door.

"Yeah mom..Just let me take a shower and stuff and I'll be down soon." I replied. She nodded and I heard her walk downstairs. I slowly walked into the bathroom, tripping on the way there. I crawled the rest of the way and then got up, stripped out of my pajamas, and turned on the water. The hot water defiantly woke me up. I quickly got out and put on my outfit I had set out the night before. . I put on some foundation, powder, blush, and lipgloss. I skipped eye makeup all together since I'd probably be sleeping on the plane and I didn't want to look like a raccoon. I put my hair in a side braid and walked downstairs. My mom was making waffles while Brooke was sitting at the table with her head face down on the table.

"Hey Brookie, You alive?" I asked, patting her on the back and laughing.

She looked up and gave me a death Glare "Why didn't you pick a later flight than 5:00 in the morning?!" she grumbled.

"Ask Harry. He's the one that booked the flight." I said, sitting down next to her.

My mom put waffles in front of both me and Brooke. I decided to actually eat since it probably wouldn't be a good idea to go on a plane on an empty stomach. I only ate one though, while Brooke ate three.

"Sweetie, you have everything packed right?" My mom asked me and I nodded. I had been packing ever since Harry left. I had pretty much packed almost everything in my whole room. I had three large suitcases, my guitar, and my pink backpack. They were already down by the door.

I walked back upstairs and slipped on my pink toms. I pulled out my phone and called Lauren.

"You're coming down to the airport right?" I asked, right when she picked up

"Of course! My best friend is moving to London. Do you seriously think I won't be there?" She said.

I laughed and said "Well Remember my flight leaves at 5 so you probably should be there at least 4:15"

"Gotcha girl. I'm about to leave my house right now."

"Okay! See ya there!" I said, hanging up. I noticed I had a new text and I opened it.

"Can't wait to see you today. I miss you so much xx –Harry"

I smiled and quickly typed my reply out

"About to leave for the airport. I miss you more xx"

I looked around my room, making sure I had everything, and then walked back downstairs.

"Ready to go?" I asked. My Mom nodded and grabbed two of my suitcases. Brooke groaned and grabbed one too. I slung my pink backpack over my shoulder, and grabbed my guitar case. We piled them into my mom's car. My car would have to stay here. It took 30 minutes to get to the airport and Lauren was already there when we arrived.

"Lauren!" I said, giving her a big hug even though I had just seen her the other day. She giggled and hugged me back.

We all grabbed a suitcase and walked into the airport. It felt weird since I was just here two weeks ago with Harry but now I was actually getting ON a plane.

"I want coffee." I blurted out, walking over to the Starbucks and buying coffee. I slowly sipped the coffee until I heard them announce the boarding of my flight. I finished the coffee and threw it in the trash.

"Well, Guess you should go board now." Lauren said. This was the part I was dreading, saying goodbye to three of the most important people in my life.

"Come on, Let's walk over there first." I said, walking over to where I had to board. My mom had taken care of my luggage so all I had now was my Guitar and my pink backpack.

"I don't want you to go Kayla.." Brooke mumbled as she started to cry.

"I know Brookie boo..I promise I'll come back and see you a lot. I love you" I said, pulling her into a big hug. I kissed her on the cheek and said "Take care of mama okay?" she nodded and I moved on to Mom

"My little girl's all grown up." She said, I just laughed and hugged her "I love you mom.." I said as I felt a tear fall down my cheek. My mom hadn't always been there. After my dad died she drifted away from me and Brooke and I was left at the age of 13 to take care of my 8 year old sister. But she came back to us and I was really happy she did cause I had missed her a lot. I slowly pulled away from the hug and she kissed me on the cheek. Then I moved to my best friend since kindergarten. She was already crying.

"Lauren.." I said, but she yanked me into the biggest hug ever. We stayed that way till they announced the final call of boarding for my flight. I pulled away.

"I'm gonna miss you so much. I'll call you every day." I said

"You better." She said, wiping a tear from her eye and smiled.

I picked up my backpack and guitar again and started to walk onto the plane but I turned around and waved at Brooke, Mom, and Lauren first. They were all crying but smiling at the same time. I slowly walked onto the plane and found my seat, which was in first class.

I rolled my eyes and started to try and put my guitar in the compartment above my seat. I was too short to get it up there though. I groaned and start jumping. I looked like an idiot but I had to get it up there somehow.

"Here, let me help you with that."

I turned around and a young tall male was standing there smiling at me. He took my guitar and easily put it on the top compartment.

"Thank you so much. I'm too short to get it up there myself." I said, giggling and sitting down.

He sat down next to me and got close. Too close. "So what's your name?" He asked

"Um Kayla.." I mumbled, feeling uncomfortable.

"That's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl like you." He said, smiling.

"Thanks.." I said. I felt like I was being rude but I really wanted him to leave. I pulled out my book and began to read it. He finally took the hint to stop talking. The whole rest of the flight was rather awkward. A long while later we finally landed in London. I sighed and got up, feeling jet lagged already. The boy stood up and handed me a piece of paper, it had his number on it.

"No thanks." I said, handing him the paper back

"Why?" He pouted.

I pulled down my guitar and grabbed my backpack and said "Cause I'm not interested." And I walked out of the plane. I looked around, searching for Harry, and then my eyes fell on those perfect curls. He was smiling and waving.

I ran to him and pulled him into the biggest hug ever. He picked me up and spun me around.

"I missed you so much." I whispered in his ear

"I missed you so much more." He said, setting me back down and kissing me.

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