Chapter 12

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The next morning I woke up at three in the morning. I had to be at the airport at 5 to meet Harry. I sighed and rolled out of bed, falling to the floor groaning. I hated getting up early. I was defiantly not a morning person. I crawled into the bathroom and looked at myself.

"Geez, I look like a hot mess." I thought to myself, as I ran my fingers through my long brunette hair. I thought about how I wouldn't see Harry for two weeks. I had only known him (well known him personally) for not even a full two days but I had really fallen for him. I was going to miss holding his hand and kissing him and playing with his beautiful hair for two weeks. But it would all be fine. It wasn't like it was for forever, just two weeks.

I Jumped into the shower and took, probably, the quickest shower I had ever taken. I got out and put on a . I wanted to look semi-good since I was betting paparazzi would be there. I hurriedly slapped on some foundation and powder. I applied a little bit of lipgloss and Mascara. My Hair wasn't cooperating so I just put it up in a messy bun.

I examined myself in the mirror and decided I looked good enough. I slipped on some yellow flip flops, grabbing my pink canvas backpack and walked down the stairs. Brooke was still asleep but my mom was about to leave for work.

"Hey Honey! Do you want some breakfast?" She asked.

"No mama, I'm going to the airport to say bye to Harry before he leaves. I'll eat there or when I come back." I said, kissing her on the cheek "Bye!"

I walked out the door and climbed into my car. It took about 20 minutes to get to the airport. When I got there I climbed out of my car and walked into the airport. I called Harry to see where he was.

"Hey where are you?" I asked

"Right behind you." I heard him say, and I turned around to meet his beautiful green eyes. He pulled me into his arms and hugged me tight. I felt safe in Harry's arms. We eventually broke away and decided to go find the other boys. He grabbed my hand tight and we found them over in Starbucks. They all had coffees and Niall had three muffins.

"Do you want anything Love?" Harry asked me

"I'll get myself some Coffee" I said, walking over to the counter and placing my order but before I could hand the cashier some money Harry came over and gave his own money to her.

"Harry!" I said, but he just smiled at me and Placed his order. I groaned, got my coffee, and went to sit with the other boys. I sat down next to Louis and sipped my coffee. Harry came over and sat down next to me, putting his arm around me.

"So..Um..Are you guys like together now?" Zayn asked. I blushed and looked over at Harry. I didn't know if we were official or not.

"I guess so." He said, smiling as he pecked me on the lips. I heard Louis Groan loudly and I giggled

"Oh please. Don't even start. It isn't like You and Eleanor don't-"

"Fine." Louis Grumbled.

"So what are you guys gonna do since you live in different countries?" Liam asked

"You haven't told them?" I asked Harry, He shook his head "Well I'm moving to London!" I said happily and told them our whole plan.

"So you'll be living with us!" Louis exclaimed. I just laughed and nodded. Then I heard them announce over the intercom that they were now boarding for the boys flight so we all got up and went to the boarding gates. Their luggage was already on the plane and they were about to get on the plane.

"Bye Babe! See you in two weeks!" Louis said, giving me a hug and getting on the plane

Niall, Zayn and Liam waved at me and said bye. I was left alone with Harry. He wrapped me in his arms and kissed me. It wasn't like a "I want in your pants" Kiss. It was more like a "I care about you" Kiss. I kissed him back and we didn't stop until the intercom announced the final call for boarding the flight. I pulled away and he kissed my forehead.

"I'll miss you love." He said, walking away to board the plane but before he got on he turned around and blew me a kiss "See you in two weeks!" He said and then went on the plane.

I smiled and walked back out to my car and drove home. I immediately went back to sleep, since it was only 5:30 am. I didn't wake up till noon and I was like a zombie. I already missed Harry. I reached over and grabbed my laptop and opened Yahoo. The first thing I saw was an article titled "Harry Styles new Girlfriend?".

"Oh shit." I thought, as I clicked on the link. There was a picture of me and Harry at the airport. His arms were wrapped around my waist and we were in the middle of our makeout session. I had forgotten all about the paparazzi. "How Could I have been so stupid?!"

I opened Twitter and saw my followers had already jumped by thousands. But there was also hate, a lot of hate.

"You're so ugly, harry could do so much better."

"Fat bitch. Harry Belongs with me.

"Please die. Thank you."

I continued reading all of them, I don't know why I didn't stop but I kept reading. I started bawling and decided to do a Twitcam. I don't know why but I did. I tweeted about it and opened the page. I already have 700 viewers. I let in a deep breath and clicked the broadcast button

-Harry's POV-

I was on the plane, messing around on my laptop. I opened Twitter and that's when I saw it. All the hate being directed towards Kayla.

I knew how Kayla handled hate and it wasn't well. I wanted to call her but I couldn't on the plane. Then I saw her tweet about the Twitcam. I plugged in my headphones and decided to watch. She appeared on my screen and her eyes were red and puffy. I could tell she was trying not to cry but it was obvious she had been.

"I-I don't understand why you hate me so much..I didn't do anything except date Harry..a-and I understand that you guys want to date him and stuff but that doesn't mean you should be so-so.." and she broke down sobbing.

My heart broke. I didn't want this to happen, even though I knew it would.

"You know multiple people have asked me to kill myself? You call yourself "fans" of Harry but if you were really fans you wouldn't say that kind of stuff to someone he cares about. I-I just can't.." And then it ended.

I quickly tweeted her saying "@Kayla_marie13 Hey baby, don't let those mean people get to you. You are beautiful inside and out. Please stay strong for me xx miss you"

-Kayla's POV-

"You know multiple people have asked me to kill myself? You call yourself "fans" of Harry but if you were really fans you wouldn't say that kind of stuff to someone he cares about. I-I just can't.." And that's when I ended the twitcam.

I walked into the bathroom and grabbed my Razor. I hadn't cut since I was 14 but I didn't really know what else to do. I sat on the floor of my bathroom and propped my left wrist on the side of the bathtub. Then my phone buzzed and I looked over at it. It was a Twitter Notification that Harry had tweeted me

"@Kayla_marie13 Hey baby, don't let those mean people get to you. You are beautiful inside and out. Please stay strong for me xx miss you"

I thought of Harry and dropped the razor. I couldn't do this. It would hurt Harry too much. I threw the razor in the trash and got up off the floor.

Harry Styles had saved my life.

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