Chapter 18

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I woke up the next morning in an empty bed. My eyes flew open and I turned myself around, Harry nowhere to be seen. I slowly got out of the bed, still half asleep, and walked into the kitchen. Liam was the only one in there, making himself eggs.

"Good morning Kayla!" He said, cheerfully.

I yawned and said "Good morning Liam, do you know where Harry is?"

"He told me to tell you that He had an interview and had to go. Oh, and he also said to tell you that he was sorry." Liam said, continuing to cook the egg. "I'm sorry, would you like an egg? I'll make you one!"

I shook my head and flopped onto the couch. "Why did they only want Harry for then interview? What about the rest of you?" I asked

"I don't know. They just wanted him and, not to mention, all the boys are incredibly hung over. That's why they aren't up yet."

"Oh.." I mumbled, turning on the TV and flipping through channels.

"Oh look! There's the interview!" I said, stopping and watching him. He looked adorable as always.

Liam walked over with his plate and sat down next to me and began to eat his eggs.

"Sure you don't want any?" He asked. I shook my head and shushed him, listening to the interview. He was being interviewed by a blonde chick with the biggest boobs I had ever seen.

"So Harry, Who is this girl you've been spotted with lately? Is she Harry Styles new girlfriend?" She asked, pointing to the screen behind her. It had the picture of me and Harry kissing at the airport, and then it changed to a picture of us holding hands walking around downtown London. Harry laughed awkwardly and ran his fingers through his curls.

"Yeah she is." He said, smiling.

"Awww," The interviewer said, "Tell us about her."

"Well, her name is Kayla and she's amazing in every way. She's funny, gorgeous, sweet, and unbelievably talented."

My Face lite up at his words. That was probably the sweetest thing anyone had ever said about me.

"Well she is a very lucky girl and you guys are adorable together!" She said and then starting asking him about the tour that just ended.

"That was adorable." Liam said, finishing up the rest of his eggs.

"I know.." I said, still smiling. I looked over at Liam and he looked upset, "Li? What's wrong?"

He shook his head and got up to put his plate away, I followed him. "Liam. Tell me." I said.

"I just miss Danielle...a lot." He mumbled, placing his plate in the sink and leaning up against the counter of the kitchen. A tear slipped down his cheek.

"Oh Liam," I whispered, pulling him into a hug. I felt his tears on my tank top. "I promise everything will be okay."

He pulled away and wiped his eyes. "Thanks Kayla.."

"Hey, What are friends for?" I said, kissing him on the cheek softly. He smiled a little and went back to washing his plate off. I heard a door creak open and Louis stumbled out, holding his head.

"Good morning Lou." I said. He slumped down in a chair and groaned.

"Good luck Liam." I whispered, patting Liam on the back and then walking into my room. I decided today I was going to try and find a job. If I was going to buy that flat downstairs then I needed money to pay for it. I started rummaging through my bag to find something to wear. I wanted something cute but still classy. I pulled out a . I decided on that, laying it on my bed and walking into the bathroom to take a shower. I took a really long shower and just thought about everything. Harry had basically just made us officially boyfriend and girlfriend. I smiled, remembering what he had said about me. But, now that he's made us official and pretty much the whole world knew...all his little "fans" would hate me so much more. I'd probably get even more hate. I couldn't let it bother me cause then it'd make Harry even more upset about it all.

I quickly turned off the water and stepped out, slipping a towel around me. I plugged in my blow dryer and began to blow dry my hair, then flat ironing it into soft curls. I hardly ever flat ironed my hair. I usually always straightened it but today I was feeling different. I then was going to put on my makeup but I couldn't find it. I always left it in the same spot and it wasn't there.

"Where is it.." I murmured, beginning to look around the bathroom. I found it under the bathroom counter with a note taped to it.

"I see you've found where I hid it. You don't need makeup to be beautiful love. You already are and always will be <3 –Harry"

I rolled my eyes but smiled at his sweetness. I picked up my makeup and put it back where it belonged. I still put it on but not as much as I usually did. I walked out of the bathroom with my towel still wrapped around me. I slipped on the tube top and shorts and slipped on some tan gladiator sandals. I put on the K necklace Harry had bought me, grabbed one of my favorite messenger bags and headed out of the room. All the rest of the boys were awake now and laying around on the couches. Liam looked at me and mouthed "Help me!"

But I just smiled and said "I'm gonna go out and look for a job. See you guys later!" I said, heading towards the door, but Liam stopped me.

"Kayla! You've been here two days. You can't just go out by yourself." He exclaimed. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Liam, I'm just gonna like walk down the street. I won't get lost and If I do I'll call you. I'm eighteen, not twelve." I said, putting my hand on the doorknob and walking out.

"Bye!" I said, and walked out. I went down the elevator and walked out onto the streets of London. Maybe I should have brought someone with me...But Harry wasn't there and all the boys were hungover, except Liam but he was trying to help the other boys. So I turned to my left and started walking down the sidewalk.

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