Chapter 20

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I rolled out of bed the next morning to an empty house. Harry had told me the night before that they all had to go to the studio the next morning.

I trudged into my bathroom and looked at my disheveled state in the mirror. I groaned and got ready to go to work, showering, straightening my hair, and putting on my makeup. I guessed the dress code was the same at my old work so I just put on my white shirt, black pants and black flats. I pulled my hair up into a ponytail, grabbing my pink backpack, and walked downstairs.

I arrived to be met with a short black haired boy. He ran up to me right when I walked in.

"Hi! I'm Brandon, you're Kayla right? Nice to meet you!" He said, giddily. He was acting like he had just drank 10 red bulls in a row.

"Give her space Brandon." Lindsey said, coming up from behind him, "Sorry about him, he's very lively." She said, giggling.

"It's alright girl." I said, giggling along with her and walking behind the counter. I started serving the customers that walked in with Brandon. He kept smiling at me and trying to help me. I let him, thinking he was just being kind.

"Cause I knew you were trouble when you walked in, So shame on me now!" My phone sang as I got a call. I raced over to answer it and saw that it was Harry. I smiled as I clicked accept.

"Hey Babe! How's work going?"

"Good love, I miss you though." I said. I know I had just seen him last night but I didn't like waking up without his arms around me.

"Turn around." I heard him say in the phone, and from someone behind me. I spun around and my eyes met his beautiful green eyes.

"Harry!" I said happily, as he wrapped his arms around me and spun me around.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at the studio?" I asked after he had put me down.

"I came to get you. I want you to come with me."

"Harry, I can't just leave."

"Yes you can. I talked to that Lindsey girl and she said you could leave early, after she got done screaming.." he said, laughing.

"Well then I guess I can go." I said, giggling and grabbing my backpack. He grabbed my hand and we raced out to his car. I glanced over at Brandon before we walked out the door and he looked upset. I tried to wave and smile but he didn't acknowledge me. I just shook it off. I'd talk to him about it tomorrow.

Harry yanked my hand and pulled me out the door and into his car. I glanced into the backseat and saw my Guitar case.

"Why do you have my guitar?"

"Cause," He said, giving me a sly smile. I had no idea what he was up too. But I just went along with it. He pulled out that stupid blindfold again and tied it around my face.

"Really Harry? Again?" I said, groaning.

"It's necessary" He said. I could tell he was smiling. We drove for about 10 minutes , to God knows where, when we finally got to our destination. He helped me out of the car and untied my blindfold. We were at his studio. I was completely confused.

"Why are we here?" I asked. He just took my guitar out of the backseat and grabbed my hand, leading me inside. I noticed he had a little purple notebook in his hand which looked very familiar to me.

"Harry! Where did you find my guitar notebook?" I asked him. It was hidden in the bottom of my suitcase.

"Well since it says "Guitar songs" On the front I'd think you'd maybe need it to play some songs." He said, handing it to me. I couldn't get too mad, he was just trying to help. I just groaned and followed him. We finally arrived to a small room where the others boy were.

"So you want me to play my guitar for the other boys?" I asked, questioningly.

"No, We want you to play for Simon." Niall said. My eyes widened and my heart stopped.

"Haha well I dunno.." I mumbled, laughing awkwardly.

"Please babe. You're amazing." Harry said, squeezing my hand.

"I-I don't know what to play." I said.

"What songs do you have?" Liam asked me.

"Um Everything Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran, You guys and some other random songs."

"Play one of our songs!" Louis said. I just groaned and shook my head. I wasn't going to play one of their songs in front of them.

"Please?" Niall begged. I rolled my eyes and gave in. It wouldn't be that bad, would it?

"I get to pick which on though." I said, looking through my book. I decided on doing More than this, since it was one of my favorites and it was one of the easiest to play on guitar. Harry handed me my guitar and I strummed a very chords. He didn't grab my tuner but thankfully I had tuned it the other day.

"So this is the amazing Kayla Harry won't shut up about." I heard Simon say as he walked in. I just blushed and looked down at my feet.

"I wanted to prove to you how amazing she is." Harry said, rubbing my back. I didn't realize I was shaking. I got really scared to sing in front of people sometimes and this is Simon Cowell. If he liked you, you could go somewhere.

"Well, Let's hear you." Simon said, leaning back in a chair.

"Well I'm gonna sing More Than This cause the boys wanted me to." I said, giggling and strumming the first chord.

"When she lays you down I might just die inside, it just don't feel right. Cause I can love you more than this."

When I finished the song I looked over at Simon. He didn't look completely disgusted with me.

"That wasn't bad. You could be amazing with some training. I'm interested in signing you." He said, smiling at me. I looked up at Harry, who was still standing behind me, and smiled at me.

"I-I'd love to sign with you." I stuttered. I couldn't believe this. I was getting a record deal with Syco records!

"Come with me." Simon said, getting up and leaving the room. I followed him, dragging Harry behind me. I talked to Simon a little bit and signed some contracts and I was all set. I thanked him and walked out with Harry and the other boys.

"You did so good Kayla!" Liam said, as we all got into Harry's car.

"Thanks Li," I said.

"You almost sang that as good as us but not quite." Louis said, laughing. I just rolled my eyes at him.

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