Chapter 16

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Harry opened the passenger side door for me and helped me out.

"Where are we at?" I asked, because I had no idea what or where anything in London is yet.

"Downtown London." He said, smiling and grabbing my hand. I smiled as we started to walk down the street. He was pointing stuff out to me and I was listening and paying attention to everything he said. A couple times we got stopped by fans wanting to take a picture with Harry or get him to sign something but it wasn't actually that bad. They all seemed very sweet and one even wanted to take a picture with me. I guess dating Harry Styles kind of made me famous too. But that's not what I wanted to be famous for. I wanted to be famous on my own from my own work, not my boyfriends.

A little while later I saw the cutest little boutique in the heart of downtown London.

"Can we go in here?" I asked, eagerly.

"Of course we can babe." He said, walking into the shop with me. Everything in here was exactly my style. I walked over to a little table with a bunch of jewelry on it and looked at it. Everything was so cute. I picked up a little silver necklace with a cursive K on it. I loved it.

"Do you like that?" Harry asked from behind me, I turned around and nodded.

"I think I may buy it." I said.

"No, you aren't. I'm going to buy it for you."

"Harry I can buy it myself." I said, sighing. Harry bought too much for me and I always felt bad.

"No Love, Consider it an early one month anniversary present." He said, kissing my cheek and walking over to the cashier. I sighed and followed him.

"You're from One Direction right? My little sister loves you! Would you mind signing this?" She asked, pulling a One Direction Magazine from behind the counter.

"Of course love." He said, signing his name by his face.

"And are you his girlfriend? You're beautiful!" She said, "Can you sign it too? I'm sure she's heard of you too!"

I smiled and nodded, signing the magazine next to Harry's name. I liked it that not all of Harry's fans hated me. Harry bought the necklace and we walked out, hand in hand. He stopped me outside of the store.

"Turn around," He whispered and I did as he commanded. He lifted up my hair and took my Owl necklace off and slipped the silver necklace over my head in its place. He hooked it and turned me around.

"It's almost as beautiful as you." He said, kissing me softly. I smiled as I kissed him back. How did I get a boy as wonderful as him? I'd never know. I pulled away before it got too heated, since we were in public.

"Come on, I have another place we're going to go on our adventurous day." He said, winking and taking my hand again. We walked back to his car and climbed in.

"Not telling me where we're going again?" I asked

"Nope, never will." He said, laughing. About 10 minutes later, we pulled up to a huge Zoo.

"Harry! How did you know I loved zoos?" I said, practically jumping out of my seat.

"Remember that party we went to? You told me then Love. Do you not remember?"

"Guess I don't." I said, jumping out of the car before it had even fully stopped.

"Wait!" Harry exclaimed, I stopped and sighed.

"Hurry up!" I shouted.

"Goodness..." He said, finally catching up to where I was and grabbing my hand, "Can't run away now."

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