Chapter 23

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I had spent that night with Liam, basically just crying into his chest while he tried to soothe me, nothing worked. I eventually fell asleep in his arms though and when I woke up the next morning he was gone.

He had left a note on the bedside table that read,

"Hey love, I had to go to the studio this morning but I'll be back soon <3 -Li"

I managed to smile a little bit when I read it. He was so sweet and I didn't get why Danielle broke up with him, any girl would be lucky to have Liam. I sighed and fell back onto the bed. I couldn't cry anymore, I didn't have any tears left. So I just laid there and thought about everything.

I had to talk to Harry soon, maybe he did have a legitimate reason for that to happen. But he would have told me right away if it was fake or something. I wonder if he was even upset at all. I guess I could ask Li. I just don't understand why Harry would do it. I guess I did have some tears left cause a couple fell from my eyes and landed on my pillow. I just stayed like that, until I heard Liam come back.

"Kaylaaa?" He asked, walking into the bedroom and picking me up from my position.

"Leave me to mope and be sad." I groaned at him. He just shook his head and stroked my disheveled hair.

"Can't do that. Simon says he wants to see you today." He said, placing me on the ground and having to grab me when my knees about crumbled from under me "Wooah, Be careful babe."

Do I have to go.." I mumbled, gripping onto him. I'd probably fall over if I tried to stand on my own. I was so weak and vulnerable right now.

"Yes Baby doll, He said he wanted to see you and we have to listen to Uncle Simon."

"Do I have to look decent?"

"It would be a good idea." He said, helping me stand on my own. I groaned again and went into my closet and pulled out the first thing I grabbed, which was . I stripped off the clothes I had worn for three days in a row and put on the new outfit. I didn't bother with Liam looking. Me and Liam's relationship was brother and sisterly, not like lovers.

I struggled to tame my lion's mane and didn't bother with Makeup. I pulled out the K necklace Harry had bought me. I had thrown it against the wall last night, in between my sobs. It wasn't broken, so I slipped it around my neck. I slipped on my black glitter toms and grabbed my pink backpack.

"Ok, let's go." I said, monotonously. He nodded and we walked downstairs to his car. We drove in silence. I stared out the window at the rain pouring from the sky. The weather was gloomy, like my mood.

We arrived and Liam walked in with me, clutching onto my arm to make sure I didn't fall while walking up the steps.

"I'm gonna stay right here. Come out here when you're done okay?" He told me, sitting in the lobby. I nodded and went up to Simon's office. I knocked on his door. I wasn't that scared like most people would be. I didn't really care. I didn't care about much anymore.

"Come in," I heard him say behind the door. I struggled to push the door open but when I did, I walked in and slumped into a chair. I just stared into space, refusing to make eye contact.

"How are you doing today Kayla?"

"I'm fine." If by fine you mean broken inside.

"I wanted to ask you what's going on with Harry." My bottom lip trembled just by the mention of his name, but I couldn't cry. Not in front of Simon

"I dunno.." I mumbled.

"Yes you do, cause you're acting the exact same way." He said, calmly.

"Okay, fine." I said, reaching into my bag and grabbing my phone. I launched my safari app and went to the first open window. I had thrown the magazine at Harry so I didn't have it anymore but I tortured myself by looking at the article and picture on their website. I shoved the phone towards Simon and pointed at the picture. "That's what's wrong." My voice cracked and he could tell I was about to cry.

"Get back together with him." He said, hardly taking his eyes off whatever papers were in his hand.

"Excuse me?"

"I said get back together with him."

"I can do what I want to do, thank you very much." I said, sassily, crossing my arms and rolling my eyes.

"Excuse me, but you are under contract and you do what I say."

"No I don't." I said, rather too loudly. I was already in a terrible mood and this was just making it worse.

"Get out." He said. My eyes widened and I realized exactly how rude I sounded.

"What?" I muttered.

"Get out of my office. I don't want to deal with your attitude problem." I quickly nodded, grabbed my bag, and ran out as fast as I could. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. I ran directly past Liam and right out the door. He looked up though, and ran after me.

"Kayla! Wait for me!" He shouted, catching up to me. I had walked right out into the pouring rain, but I didn't care.

"Can you take me home now?" He nodded and unlocked his car for me. I climbed in and didn't make any eye contact with Liam. I just stared at the rain pounding on the window. He didn't ask me what happened. Thankfully, he got the hint that I didn't want to talk about it.

"You know, you're gonna have to talk to Harry sometime." Liam finally piped up. I turned my head and gave him a blank expression.

"I don't have to if I don't want too." I replied, turning my head back to the window. He didn't say anything else for the whole rest of the ride back.

When we got back to my flat I fell onto the couch and just laid there, staring at the wall. Liam sat next to me and kissed my forehead softly. I wasn't crying, I really didn't have any tears left now, I was just thinking about how everything went from amazing to terrible in one day.

I heard a knock on my door about 20 minutes later. Liam got up to go answer it.

"If it's Harry tell him to fuck off." I muttered, burying my head into a pillow. I heard Louis and Eleanor's voice though coming from the front door.

"How is she doing?" I heard El say.

"Not well. Something happened when she met with Simon this morning but I don't know what it was and she's really torn up about Harry." Liam whispered, but I could still hear him from the couch.

"Harry's completely broken. He won't even hardly come out of his room." My eyes widened at Louis's words. So Harry was upset. Maybe he did care. Maybe it was just a misunderstanding.

"She refuses to talk to him.."

"Can we see her?" Eleanor said. I guessed Liam nodded because I heard footsteps coming towards the couch. I didn't look up though, I kept my head surrounded by the soft material of the pillow.

"Kayla?" I heard Louis ask. I lifted my head slowly and looked into his blue eyes. He frowned at my swollen red eyes and pulled me into his arms. I feebly wrapped my arms around his waist as he rubbed my back.

"How are you doing sweetie?" Eleanor asked, after Louis had let me go. I just shrugged and stared at the ground.

"We brought you these, I remember you saying how much you liked them." Louis said, holding up a bag of Ghirardelli 60% intense dark chocolate squares.

"Thanks guys.." I mumbled, taking the bag. I did love those but I didn't want to eat. I hadn't eaten in two days and I didn't want too.

I spent the rest of the day watching movies and hanging out with Louis, Liam, and Eleanor. It made me feel a little better but it defiantly didn't mend my broken heart one bit.

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