Chapter 31

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"Good morning babe," Harry said, kissing my forehead and awaking me from my dreamless sleep.

My eyes fluttered open and looked over to see Harry's naked body up against mine. I smiled as I remembered what had happened last night. I nuzzled in closer to Harry's bare chest. He was so warm. I never wanted to leave the bed.

"Come on babe, we gotta get up." He said, but I just shook my head vigorously.

"Come on," He lifted me up so I was sitting upright in the bed next to him. I just groaned and got up off the bed, searching for my underwear.

"Um Harry?" I asked him, as he put on some boxers.

"Yes love," He replied, looking up at me.

"Why is my underwear in two pieces?" I asked, holding up the black panties that were now tore in half. Cheap pieces of shit.

"Uh Um..sorry?" He stuttered. His face was now bright red.

"It's okay babe," I said, in between giggles, "I just need underwear.."

"Here," He said, throwing me a pair of his boxers, "They're clean I promise."

"They better be," I said, as I slipped into the underwear. I found my bra and thankfully, it was still in one piece. I slipped on one of Harry's T-shirts and we walked out of the room to face the destruction of the flat.

It was pretty bad.

Louis and Eleanor were on top of each other on the couch, both only in their underwear. Liam was half laying on a recliner and half off of it, passed out. Oh, and Niall was laying on the kitchen counter cuddling with a vase.

I burst out into laughter at the sight of them all, which caused them to wake up.

I laughed even louder when Louis sat up, causing Eleanor to fall off of him and land with a thud onto the ground.

"Damn it, Lou." She groaned, rubbing her head.

"Sorry babe," He said, reaching out for her hand but she crawled away from him and walked into the kitchen, still clutching her head.

"Looks like someone had fun last night," She said, winking at me, as she placed an ice pack on her head. I blushed and looked down at my feet. I didn't like discussing these kinds of things.

"Yeah, I could hear your fucking screams over everything." Niall said, struggling to get off the table.

I giggled, my face still bright red.

"So did you do her good Harry?" Louis asked, smirking.

"Of course I did," Harry replied, pulling me into his arms.

"Pretty cocky there babe," I said, squirming out of his arms and sauntering into the kitchen. I was absolutely starving. I poured myself cereal, since that was the only thing I could find, and sat down at their table, which Niall was still laying on.

I ate quickly and started to walk back up to my flat, considering I was supposed to go to the studio today, but Harry stopped me.

"Stay here with me," He pleaded, hanging onto my arm and giving me his puppy dog eyes.

"I have to go get ready. I'm meeting with Simon today." I pouted back to him and kissed him on the cheek. I turned to walk out, but he followed me. He followed me all the way downstairs to my flat.

"Fine Har, you can stay down here but don't bug me. I have to be there in.." I looked over at the clock on my microwave, which read 11:00, "Shit, one hour."

I scrambled into my room, grabbed some clothes, and walked into the bathroom. I stripped off Harry's clothes, but before I stepped into the shower I caught a glimpse of my naked reflection in the mirror.

Great, Just great. I had Hickeys, or as Harry calls them 'lovebites', all over my chest and neck. How were I gonna cover these up? I didn't have enough makeup to do that. I'll deal with it once I'm out of the shower.

I stepped in and turned on the hot water, soaking it all in. I was still sweaty from the events of last night.

I heard the door open to the bathroom and footsteps. Must be Harry. I only had to wait a minute until the curtain opened and Harry stepping into the shower with me.

"Harryyyy" I groaned, but it was hard to be mad when he was standing there butt naked, being soaked with water.

"Yes?" He purred, stepping closer to me and wrapping his arms around me.

I didn't get the chance to reply cause at that moment his lips were on mine, his tongue trying to make its way into my mouth. I didn't have the strength to push him away, so I didn't and just kissed him back.

We just stood under the showerhead, with our lips locked, for what felt like forever. But when he backed me up against the wall and was about to come into me, I stopped him.

"Har, I'm gonna be late." I whispered, as his lips attacked my neck.

"Who cares?"

"Me, we can do this later." Hopefully that would get him off of me for a little while.

"Just tell Simon that you had to help me with something," He nodded down to his boner and crashed his lips onto mine, his fingers going up the inside of my thigh. I was finally able to get him off of me though. Even though I did want to have shower sex with Harry, I had to get to work.

"None of this Harry, now let me actually wash myself." I scolded, picking up my shampoo bottle and opening it.

"Let me do it!" He said, taking it out of my hand and putting it on my hair.

Once Harry had washed every inch of my body, and I mean every inch, he wrapped me in a towel and we stepped out of the shower. My phone read 11:45.

"Damn it," I exclaimed, throwing the towel off of me and slipping on the random articles of clothing I had grabbed. Harry slipped his clothes back on quietly as I rushed around, putting on makeup and attempting to fix my hair. I ended up just throwing a beanie on my head and rushing out the door.

Then I remembered that Harry had to drive me.

I ran back into the flat, where Harry was waiting in his boxers and T shirt.

"Drive me to the studio?" I asked, batting my eyelashes innocently.

"Sure, but I'm not getting out." He said, with a laugh, as he escorted me down to his car.

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