Cheap Tactic!

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"Fusion is a cheap tactic to make weak gems stronger!" A quote by Jasper.

"You have the power of Rose Quartz!" A quote by Jasper.

"Rose! Why do you look like that?! Why do you look so weak?!" Another quote by Jasper.

Jasper last heard of Rose being a fusion. She hates fusions so she was hoping to "smash her into the ground." Imagine her surprise when the fusion looked weak to her.

Jasper heard of Rose diamond being in a fusion named Rose Quartz. That fusion had her shield. Steven was called a human by Lapis so Jasper knew of him being human. She saw the shield and she thought that Steven was a fusion of Rose Diamond and A human. She thought Steven was the fusion Rose Quartz. She then questioned why the fusion was so weak. She thinks that fusion makes weak gems stronger, but in Steven's case it made them weaker. That's why she was confused. Yet more evidence of the Rose Quartz fusion theory.

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