I've already stated this but just in case-

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Ian JQ has stated that if Opal was to fuse with Garnet, the end product would still be Alexandrite.

If Sugilite was to fuse with Pearl, the end product will still be Alexandrite.

If Sardonyx was to fuse with Amethyst, the end product would still be Alexandrite.

This means the concept stays the same. In the Temple fusion we see a humongous fusion with 8, count them, 8 arms! But wait! 8? Garnet would keep her arms like she does in every fusion. So that's two. Amethyst would keep her arms like she does in every fusion. So that's two more making four. Pearl and Rose together make Rainbow Quartz no matter what, since they are still together in the fusion. Just like how if Ruby fused with a Pearl and Sapphire fusion, it would still make Sardonyx with the same number of arms. That means that Rose and Pearl together in the same fusion, would only contribute two arms. Making 6 arms for the temple. Who's the other pair?

Think about it. Rose Quartz a fusion with her "lover," wouldn't make Rainbow Quartz with Pearl since Rose Quartz wouldn't feel the same about her. In fact it's shown that Lion doesn't like Pearl very much. Meaning another pair of arms to the temple.

If you don't fully understand the chapter, don't comment! Don't comment telling me that Alexandrite plus Rose makes 8 arms because that's been covered if you took the time to read!

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