I ran upon an article that states that Aura Quartzes are the "Stones of the New Age," and that everyone can benefit from having a stone like this around. I researched the topic and found that Rainbow Quartz is an Aura Quartz and that Rainbow Quartz isn't the exact name. I wondered why they didn't name her Aura Quartz but I found my answer when "The Answer" showed. The first stone above is Rose Aura Quartz and I believe it's the fusion of Steven/Rose and Amethyst. Also, the one below is Flame Aura Quartz, and u believe it's the fusion of Rose/Steven and Garnet, here's why.
Rose Aura Quartz: In "The Answer" we can see gems of the same type fusing together to become one massive gem of the same type. Quartzes can do the same but since they're all slightly different in color, the name would change but only slightly, hence the name above. Rose and Amethsyt are both Quartzes so the name above would work with the fusion. Here's more evidence to prove the existence of Rose Aura Quartz: It Stimulates the Heart Chakra to transmute deeply held doubts about self-worth. It is a favorite among young women, especially if they have suffered from body image issues, abuse, or who have been deserted or rejected in love. This crystal makes a powerful connection to Universal Love of Self. These problems sounds just like Amethyst and it also sounds like how Rose would help her.
Flame Aura Quartz: Flame Aura stimulates the Third Eye and Higher Crown Chakras, enhancing focus and increasing the ability to "read" people at an energetic and subtle level and to understand the information that was communicated.
Aura Quartzes in General- artificially enhanced by modern(Steven)
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techniques, these crystals utilize the ancient powers of alchemy and synergy(fusion).
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By electrostatically bonding precious metals from the Earth onto the surface of natural Clear Quartz points or clusters, a new, unified color layer is created, a permanentblend that intensifiesthe properties of the original elements, as well as emanating a unique spectrum of subtle energies on its own. (All of that is fusion)
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Aura Quartz crystals have been part of the New Age movement since the 1980's,
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prized for their ability to expand the consciousness and heal the physical and spiritual body with their extraordinary high vibration. While most practitioners prefer natural, untreated stones for their metaphysical work, many consider Aura Quartz, with its pure components and synergistic energies, to be the exception to the rule.