I think that fusions only know what the individual gems allow them to.
Garnet said that she was a conversation, but what if that was meant to be taken literally?
What if the gems in a fusion are talking to one another to remain focused, creating the fusion, and when an argument arises the fusion goes unstable and eventually loses its form.
-This explains why Pearl was able to hide info from Garnet and Sardonyx.-This is also why Alexandrite was so stoic and lacked a personality in "Fusion Cuisine," the gems were in agreement to impress Connie's parents and they were very awkward in what to do.
-Sugilite wanted to impress Steven, something Amethyst always wanted to do but she never had the true power to do so. Ruby wanted to meet him and coupled with Amethyst craving to impress him, this Sugilite's attitude was born.
-Rainbow Quartz wanted to impress/seduce Greg. Pearl wanted to make Greg jealous of what he couldn't do and Rose wanted Greg to desire them, thus Rainbow Quartz's desire to seduce was created.
-Opal falls apart so easily because Pearl and Amethyst can barely ever agree on anything.
-Stevonnie repeatedly talked to herself and that's because of the inner conversation between Steven and Connie that was taking place.
Relationships take communication, right? Isn't that basically what a fusion is? A relationship?
Steven Universe Theories (Continued)
RandomThis goes along with my previous theories! I hit the limit on the other book.