Lapis is such a brat!

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"You little brat!" As stated by Jasper towards Lapis, and totally agree with her. After my gem class system theory, I put more thought on to just why Lapis was a peasant. Honestly, she kind of looks like one. Barely any clothes(a dress and a crop top.) and very loose /simple designed ones at that. And I did some research and come to find out, Lapis was associated with royalty in ancient times, specifically Egypt! That has the Nile which flows backwards, a strange occurrence for a body of water.

I believe she was a peasant because Homeworld didn't have any use for her. They don't have water where they come from, as shown by Peridot. So her powers were virtually nonexistent. When they reached earth, however, this changes. There's water and Lapis is the only one with the power to control it. Suddenly, Lapis is actually useful! The Diamonds begin to use her more, she becomes more needed! In ancient lore, it was common that people misinterpreted Lapis for Sapphire! She was considered to be that high up! And it went to her head. Being the "Truth Stone" lapis spoke her mind about her being worthy of nobility, how she outranked all other gems and once the Diamonds caught wind of this, they knew they had to bring this brat down to size. They put her in the mirror for her to see what she really was, her reflection didn't show a diamond or a noble, but a peasant.

-A brat means- A spoiled child. Lapis was spoiled when she was useful and it went to her head, making her believe she was better.

-She jerks away from Jasper as if she was disgusted at the mere idea of a warrior touching her.

-She attacks Garnet, who she knew was a fusion of Sapphire and Ruby. A noble gem that she was jealous of and enraged at.

-She says, "Did you ever wonder who I used to be?" She believes that she was someone important but the gems know minimum knowledge about her.

-She wants to do everything by herself without help from others because she wants to prove herself to others and herself.

-Imagine this scenario,

Blue Diamond's court arrives on Earth and they are completely at a loss as to what to do about the water that's all over the place. They don't even know what it is! Suddenly, a young blue gem, Lapis Lazuli approaches the substance carefully glancing into the the deep liquid. A noble shoves her in to test what exactly the substance would do and Lapis screams, becoming submerged in the strange material. She summons her ability and she floats out of the water, water crashing around her as she pushes it away with the use of her gem. The nobles stare in awe at the power of the simple peasant and are shocked at the power she possess. Blue Diamond approaches and takes Lapis under her wing, sitting her in the literal lap of luxury. Lapis has her ten minutes of fame until it all goes to her head. She becomes snobby, and brattish. She arrogantly professes that she should not be classified as a peasant but as a noble! Or even worse, a Diamond! This insults the nobles and Diamonds and thus, lapis was thrown into the mirror, forced to live her days viewing her reflection. She has to live everyday seeing herself as nothing but a ordinary peasant inside of the mirror.

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