The Beach

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"So when did you move to Pyree Bay?" My lab partner, Carter, asks as we wait for the class to commence.

I already don't like the teacher, he hardly gave me a glance when I walked in. I awkwardly stood around for five minutes until this guy came up to me and offered to be my lab partner.

"Um, I've lived here my whole life." I reply.

Word has spread around I'm the new student, but not many people know that I've been home schooled.

"Oh, so do you surf?" He asks.

I was waiting for this question to pop up, and I already had my answer planned.


"Ever?" I new voice asks. This one was a little deeper than Carter's.

And a whole lot sexier too.

I turn around and see Axel sitting there with a girl as his lab partner. She doesn't seem interested in the conversation and rather her nails.

I shake my head, "I don't do deep water."

He leans forward, "You seem like a beach girl."

"Just because I don't surf doesn't mean I'm not a beach girl." I reply, strangely confidently.

Carter clears his throat and I turn to see the teacher glaring at me.

Great, now not only do I not like the teacher, but he doesn't like me either.

Class goes on as normal after that though. Carter is polite to me the whole lesson and doesn't ask any questions; which I like.

I'm the first one out of the classroom and I leave the school as quickly as I can, I don't see Serene or any of her friends,  Axel in particular.

There's something about him that doesn't sit right with me.

Mum is waiting at the front of the school. I can drive but I don't have a car, and the majority of the time it's only to get to the beach, which is a quick walk.

I jump in and prepare myself for the questions.


I grab Narla's leash from the front door and just the sound of it attracts her immediate attention.

I clip it onto her collar, "Just taking Narla for a walk!" I yell to the house.

"Alright!" Mum replies.

I open the door and Narla and I run to the beach.

She was a cute dog, only about three years old but we trained her up good.

She's a Golden Retriever, and ever since the first day she's grown a liking to me. It makes me feel special almost to be the most loved in our family.

We get to the beach and I let her off her leash. Since she's well behaved, she comes when we call her.

We walked down the beach; I throw the ball every now and then into the water and Narla retrieves it.

We start to come to the part of the beach where all the surfers go, which includes me at night, and I watch as they wait and take waves.

I've always loved watching people surf, I take in moves they do and critic the ones they don't do so well. It helps me when I do it myself, as I've never had lessons.

Reegan taught me the basics when we were younger, but he got busy so I went out by myself a lot of the time, and a few regular surfers helped me from time to time. They were probably the closest I had gotten to friends.

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