The Invitation

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**Picture of Serene (Victoria Justice)**

Today was an especially hot day.

Students were seeking the cool air-conditioning that the classrooms provided, and the little year sevens and eights were sweating after playing with the soccer ball outside.

I squirm as they all bolt past me, somehow still full of energy even with the scorching hot sun beaming down on them.

Once they've all disappeared I notice Axel leaning against the lockers smirking at me.

I give him a glare and continue to walk down the hallway.

He matches my step and walks with me, "You need to loosen up a little."

"You try and do that when a hundred tiny humans are running past you spreading their perspiration." I reply.

He grimaces at my reply, "Alright, fair point. But I was talking about in general."

I glance at him, "Really? We're even doing this at school?"

He shrugs, "Hey, you need all the practise you can get."

I stop and turn to him, "Wait Axel."

He stops too and raises his eyebrows at me expectantly.

I lower my voice, even though it was usually pretty quiet anyway, "I'd prefer it if people didn't know about this, and if we could keep it that way."

He scoffs, "Of course. This is my reputation that could be on the line."

I mentally roll my eyes. Of course.

"Right." I reply and continue walking, English was only a few doors away now.

"Evie." He says.

I stop and turn my head.

"Meet me at the library at lunch."

With that, he turns around and walks to whatever class he has. I take a deep breath and try to calm myself, I had no idea why he was doing this, especially if he was so worried about his reputation.

The warning bell goes off and I quickly go to the classroom.


I sigh as I sit in front of Axel at one of the desks in the library.

He looks up from his phone at me, "Afternoon."

I just give him a look in response. My maths teacher just dropped a surprise quiz on us, and to say the class, and me especially, were not happy was an understatement.

There were no surprise quizzes in homeschooling.

"Awfully cheery today I see." He says sarcastically.

"Can we just get this over with?" I ask. I was super hungry and needed all the brainpower I could get since I had to deal with Axel again in chemistry next.

He rolls his eyes, "Fine. You need to go up to Mrs Fields, the librarian, and ask for any book of your choice, without fiddling with your hands or doing anything vaguely tense."

I frown, "Any book?"

He shrugs, "Whatever one comes into your mind."

"No fidgeting?" I ask.

He shakes his head, "Just relax, and loosen up."

I take a deep breath and nod, getting up and walking over to Mrs Fields. I glance back at Axel and he just raises his eyebrows at me.

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