The Resolution

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"I can't do this." I say as Reegan tries to physically pull me from the car.

"Yes, you can." Reegen replies, tugging on my arm as he stands outside the car, "He was there practically the whole time you were in the hospital, the least you can do is speak to him."

I pause my resisting at that, thinking for a moment, before slowly stepping out of the vehicle.

Reegan smirks a little, "There we go."

I purse my lips and look to him and Rhys, who was just watching on, "What am I meant to say to him?"

Reegan dismisses it with a wave of his hand, "You say whatever you feel like in that moment. You just need to talk to him, and to Kyra too."

I can't help but sigh to that, "Of course she's there too. Do they know I'm coming?"

Reegan just shrugs, "Probably not."

I just give him a 'great' look before forcing my feet to move towards the entrance. I halt to turn back to them quickly, "Please don't leave."

Reegan gives me a look of what seems to be compassion, "Of course, we'll be right here."

I take a deep breath and then force my feet to walk through the entrance, going up to the reception desk and greeting the smiling lady behind it.

"How can I help you Miss?" She asks as I approach.

"Um..." I fumble over my words as I think, "I'm here to see Axel Brown."

She types on her computer before looking back to me, "I don't believe Mr Brown is expecting any visitors."

"No, he isn't expecting me. Can you just let him know that Evie wants to talk to him?" I ask.

Her face flashes with a look of recognition, "You're Evie Nikson?"

I purse my lips before nodding, "Ah... Yes."

"You can head on right up then, Miss Nikson. My apologies I did not recognise you." She says, placing a keycard on the counter.

I freeze as I look down at the black, matte keycard. I clear my throat and glance back to her, "I don't understand?"

"Mr Brown has included you to the residency list." She replies.

I try not to show the stunned expression I was holding in, "Of course, thank you." I take the keycard and urge my legs to move towards the elevator.

He added me to the residency list? Will I ever be able to understand this guy?

Once in the elevator, I hold the keycard near the numbers and press level eighteen. When it starts moving I close my eyes and take a breath.

Where would I even begin? So much has happened since I have been able to speak to him. First the revelation that I was the reason that his dad died, then the fact that he told me to leave when he found out, and I couldn't even begin to think about what he had said to me when I was in the hospital... Surely he didn't really mean it when he said that he loved me.

The elevator dinging to notify that it was at the floor makes me come out of my thoughts. I exit and begin walking to that beautiful beige leather door. I'll just go in and see what happens, see how Axel approaches the conversation.

I stop in front of the door and take a deep breath. I wasn't going to just waltz on in just because I had a key, so I hold up my hand and knock three times.

For a second I think no one is there, and I start to flood with a small amount of relief that maybe they were out and I wouldn't have to do this now.

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