The Markets

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**Picture of Carter (Douglas Booth)**

Sunday's were my favourite day of the week.

Not only did my parents leave the whole day to make their weekly visits to my grandparents in the town over, but Sunday's were the beach markets down a part of Reefside.

When Reegan and I were younger we would sometimes have a stall ourselves, selling unique and pretty sea shells we'd collect over about a month.

Nowadays, I help Mrs Williams with her small decor stall. She's an older lady, so she sometimes finds it hard to move her stock from the car and to keep the stall running smoothing.

Her decor is gorgeous though, all wooden things that have been hand-carved. Animals, shells, anything you can imagine.

Mrs Williams is a lovely lady, and usually gives me half an hour to look at all the stalls myself, since they're only morning markets and I help her out the whole time.

I just walk out when I accidentally bump into someone.

Nice going Evie.

"I'm so sorry." I apologise, looking up at the person.

"Evie, hey." I'm greeted with a familiar smile.

I smile back, "Carter, hi."

He glances at the stall I just came out of, "You have a stall?"

I shake my head, "I just help out, it's not mine."

"Ah right, cool. You just finished?"

I give a small smile, "Half an hour break actually."

He raises an eyebrow, "Need any company?"

I didn't mind Carter, plus he was super nice to me at the party.

"Oh, I really couldn't ask you to do that."

He laughs, "It's fine, really. It's better than wandering around myself."

I crack a smile, "Alright, sure."

We start to walk along the stalls, my eyes scan the trinkets from a distance.

"I'm sorry about Friday night, with what happened with Axel." Carter says, laughing nervously. I look at him and see him awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

At least he has the decency to apologise.

I give him a brief smile, "It's fine, let's just forget it all happened."

He smiles and nods, "Sounds good to me. I just want you to know I'm not that sort of guy, you know, I don't usually get in fights and stuff."

I frown a little, "So what made you want to fight Axel then?"

I was warming enough to Carter to be a little more confident with my conversation.

He shoves his hands in his pockets as we walk, "I'm guessing you know about his surfing records?"

I shrug, "I've heard he's good."

"He wins his division every year in our local comp." he says.

I didn't know that.

"I guess because I don't watch that division I wouldn't know." I reply, "But what does that have to do with the fight?"

He ends up just laughing it off, "I don't know, it was probably just the alcohol in our systems. Surfers can have pretty big egos."

I frown a little, "Right."

"I'm sorry again." He sighs, he looks over to the coffee van, "How about I shout a coffee?"

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