The Elegance

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Axel was at my house at exactly three o'clock on Saturday.

I said goodbye to my parents and they gave me some money to donate tonight. I jump into Axel's car and we greet each other.

"Are you sure I don't need anything?" I ask.

He shakes his head, driving off, "Nope, nothing."

"How fancy is this thing anyway?" I ask.

He shrugs, "Fairly fancy."

"Will I know anyone else there?" I lean against the window, watching the ocean as we climb towards The Flats.

"Probably not." He replies.

I look over at him, noticing his somber mood, "Are you alright?"

He just briefly glances at me and nods, "It's nothing you need to worry about."

My mind instantly wanders to what I saw yesterday with Kyra. But I decide it's better not to bring it up, especially with the mood he's in.

The rest of the short ride is silent apart from the quiet radio playing.

We get to his house and I hop out of the car. He walks straight to the front door, and I sigh. Hopefully he wasn't going to be in this mood all night.

A sudden thought hits me, what if Kyra said something to him about me because of what I saw yesterday?

Surely she wouldn't do anything like that.

One thing I definitely noticed though, was the way my heart dropped a little when the thought of him being this way was because of me.

I follow him into the house, and I can instantly hear his mums voice drifting through the open space. I look over and see her coming towards us, talking to someone on her earpiece.

She ends the call and smiles at me, "Evie, Dear. How wonderful to see you again, I was so happy when Axel told me he was taking you."

I smile back, "The fundraiser sounds like such a nice idea."

She nods, "Well, any chance I get to help I'll take it. Now, we have to leave at five, so there is a dress for you in the room you stayed in. Then you can move to hair and makeup, I hired a specialist so she'll do a great job."

Stunned, I can hardly reply, "Wow, uh, thank you."

"Axel, you get ready too please." She looks at him, he was leaning against the wall. When I look over at him, he was already looking at me.

I avert my eyes and I start going to the stairs, "I'll get started then."

Katie looks back at me and flashes me her smile before heading off in another direction of the house.

I am just about to climb the stairs when Axel's voice fills the room, "Evie."

I stop and turn to look at him.

"I'll see you here at five."

I nod and continue up the stairs, just focusing on getting ready instead of anything else.

I open the door to the room I stayed in, and see a dress box sitting on the bed, along with a shoe box and a smaller jewellery box.

Closing the door and walking towards it and slowly lift the lid.

The colour is the first thing that gains my attention.

It was cream.

The exact cream of the dress that I tried on in the store with Axel. 

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