The Pod

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I open my eyes to the sunlight streaming in through the slit in the curtain.

Realising that there was no warmth next to me, I turn my head to see an empty bed.

My stomach drops. What if he regretted it? The kiss.

I sure as hell didn't. I had never kissed anyone before, but if it felt like that, I don't know why I didn't do it sooner.

My slight anxiety disappears when I notice a note on his pillow.

He definitely loves leaving notes.

I pick it up and read it aloud, "Good morning White Wave. If you're reading this then I'm just on a run, should be back soon and we can go get breakfast."

I can't help but smile when I put down the note. Looking at the time, I see it's seven in the morning, so I decide to get up and start getting ready.

I go to the bathroom quickly and then just wash my face with a bit of water to refresh myself, instead of taking a shower.

I dry my face with a towel and stare at my reflection in the mirror.

Did Axel really like me? I mean, surely he would if he kissed me like that, and he did want me to come with him on this trip.

Did I like Axel? Well, I knew before I even went on this trip that I was growing feelings for him, and I knew that I was putting my heart on the line.

Only, I thought it would get broken.

Of course, there's still the chance for that. But I'm not playing it safe anymore, not following the rules I've seemed to alway stick to. No, this time I was going to put myself out there.

I get changed into my favourite ripped shorts and a plain grey t-shirt that had a surfing logo on the back. This one being mine, not Axel's.

I then brush my teeth and it's when I just finish putting my long hair into a messy bun on top of my head that I hear the outside door close.

Intaking a breath of confidence, I step out of the bathroom.

And almost fall over.

Axel was in the middle of taking off his sweat-soaked shirt, putting his lovely abs on show. As well as that, he looked hot.

Hot as in sweaty and hot as in hot.

I have to lean my hand against the wall so that I don't buckle under my own weight.

He glances over and notices me, and I quickly straighten, clearing my throat and averting my eyes.

"Good morning Evie." He says, I can hear the smirk in his voice.

"Morning." I mumble, the wall becoming the most interesting thing I've ever seen.

He starts coming closer and I flick my eyes up to him, his defined torso glinting in the reflection of the light as he moves.

My eyes widen and I fumble over my words, "Uh, what is- what are you doing?"

He just purses his lips as he comes to stand in front of me, as though he's trying not to laugh, "Going to take a shower. You're kind of in the way."

I flush and move aside, letting him pass. He closes the door behind him and I fall back against the wall, sighing.

So much for putting yourself out there Evie.

I hear my phone ringing and grab it, seeing mum's name across the screen.

I talk to her for a few minutes, reassuring her everything was going fine. Once I've spoken to her, I decide I might as well check in with Reegan while I had the time.

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