The Regret

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**Picture of Reegan (Robbie Amell)**

My head screams at me as I open my eyes.

The light makes me flinch, and I have to squeeze them shut again. After a little, I slowly open them and adjust to my surroundings.

I knew that I wasn't in my bed, this bed was way too big to be mine.

I sit up slowly and carefully. I was in a big king size bed, with black sheets and a dark grey doona. The room was huge, with massive floor to ceiling windows like in Carter's house.

My stomach drops. I wasn't still at Carter's was I?

I glance down at myself and see I'm still in my dress from last night, however I have a large black t-shirt over the top, which has a surf logo on it.

Oh God, what happened last night?

I look over to the black bedside table and see a glass of water and two Panadol's sitting there. I don't hesitate to swallow them, hoping they'll help my head sooner than later.

When I go to put the glass back, my eye catches a note left on the table too. I pick it up and read over it.


I'm guessing you'll be feeling pretty shitty, so I've left some Panadol for you.

There's a new toothbrush in the bathroom, feel free to use the shower and there's some old clothes of Kyra's that you can change into.

You can go downstairs after you're done.


I take in a deep breath and put the note back.

I'm in Axel's room?

I don't think about that too much and get up, heading into the ensuite to see the massive bathroom.

It was huge, and don't get me started on the shower, which just looked like luxury. It was pretty clear that Axel lived in The Flats too.

I catch my reflection in the mirror and cringe. My makeup was smudged and my hair was pointing out in all different directions. I basically screamed 'train wreck'.

I strip down and step into the shower, it was even better than I thought. When I finally get out, I study the clothes that Axel had left me.

I felt weird wearing Kyra's clothes. What if she was here and she saw me in them? She already didn't like me, I couldn't imagine that going down too well.

But I wasn't getting back into that dress. I put my underwear back on, thank God Axel didn't get me those, that would have just been super awkward.

I liked the shorts, they were high-waisted and frayed at the bottom. But as I stared at the top, it just wasn't me, it was light pink and halter neck.

I decide against it and slip on the shirt I was wearing when I woke up, tucking the front in to my shorts since it was way too big on me.

I then quickly brush my teeth and make my way downstairs.

I could smell the scent of bacon before I could see it. When I turn the corner to the kitchen, I was expecting Axel, however I'm very surprised when I see a woman dressed in a grey suit which had a skirt instead of pants.

Her auburn hair was pulled back into a perfect bun, not a hair out of place. Her heels clicked as she moved around the kitchen, cooking something.

She notices my presences and gives me a smile, "You must be Evie."

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