The Confusion

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I finally spot Reegan and Rhys ahead as we rush to them. I was panting hard, trying to suck more air into my lungs. Not only were we a good distance away, but Axel and I had to run on sand half of the way here, which was ten times harder than running normally.

When we get to them I brace my hands on my knees, trying to slow my heartbeat.

"Where is it?" Axel asks, hardly sounding out of breath.

I mentally roll my eyes.

Of course he isn't.

Reegan nods in the direction of some beach condos, "Just over there."

"Is that it Evie?" Axel asks me.

I look over and see the white convertible parked, no one around it that I could see, "Yep, that's the one."

"Do you think they're staying there?" Rhys asks.

Axel studies the condos, "I can't imagine Kyra staying in a motel for all this time, it would probably make more sense."

"Why wouldn't she stay at The Seaboard?" I ask suddenly, not really thinking about Reegan or Rhys being there.

Axel gives me a small, sad smile, "She could've been the same as me."

I knew instantly he was talking about his dad and the memories that apartment held.

I don't even give the guys a chance to say anything before I change the subject, "So what are we going to do then?"

Axel purses his lips, "Well if she is in one of those condos, I don't want her to see me before I can get to her. Maybe we hide out somewhere and see if they come out?"

I look around, "There's a cafe right over there, we could grab something to eat?" I point out the cafe next to the carpark.

"Let's do that." Axel says.

We walk over and enter the small cafe, with a few tables scattered in no particular pattern. We choose one close to the window which has a clear view of the convertible and the entrance to the condos.

We sit down and I scan the small menu, it wasn't super exciting but this seemed like a good location.

"Those condos don't look like a tourist destination, I think they might be residential." Rhys says, looking at the three-story building.

I glance at Axel, "Could Kyra have somehow rented one?"

Axel frowns, "Possibly, I don't know if she would bother with all that though, unless she was planning this for weeks in advance."

"Maybe it belongs to one of her friends?" Reegan asks.

I see Axel's eyes move to the convertible, "They all do come from families with money."

My eyes drift off and I can't help but notice a couple near us showing excessive PDA, not in a disturbing way, but in an affectionate way. Snuggling next to each other, the girl was giggling and leant up to peck the guy on the lips, to which he pouted and pulled her closer for a bit more of a lengthy kiss, which was when I pulled my eyes away.

I catch Rhys' eye as I do, he raises his eyebrows at me a little before looking back to Reegan and Axel, who were in the middle of a conversation about something to do with which family owns what in Pyree Bay.

Rhys butts in, "Well I'm going to order," He looks at me, "You ready too Evie?"

I didn't have to be a mindreader to know that he wanted to chat. I just nod and get up, I feel Axel's eyes on me but I don't look his way.

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