The Heat

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"Well, at least it's a bit nicer than the last place." I say as we enter the room.

Axel drops his stuff near the door, "Maddison Lagoon definitely doesn't have a lot to offer."

He was right, this town was the smallest I had seen out of the others so far. But it was renowned for it's beach, and the small body of water that was separated from the ocean by a single sandbar.

We didn't even speak about getting a double room this time, Axel just asked for it and I just went with it.

Couldn't say I was upset about it.

Also, Axel was right about it being cheaper, which helped me out a lot.

"Well, I'm gonna jump into the shower." He says, his hands rummaging through his bag.

I nod, "Sure."

He walks into the bathroom and and lay back on the bed. A sudden thought comes into my head from the action, and I look over to see that there was no couch in this room.

I look back to the ceiling. I don't want him to sleep on the floor, that doesn't seem comfortable at all.

I could go get another room?

I glace at the clock and see that it's just past ten, the time that the front office closes.

Sighing, I look at the other side of the bed next to me. It'll be fine, it's a fairly big bed, it won't be uncomfortable.

But that's not what I was worried about.

We had become very close over the last few days, and I could slowly feel myself falling back into the current that lead to Axel.

We had to talk about what happened. There was still that tension in the air about the dress and what we both said to each other that day at the markets.

As if on cue, Axel comes out of the bathroom. His hair was damp and he was wearing a grey t-shirt with black trackies.

I stand up, "Axel, I think that-"

Suddenly loosing confidence, I drift off. He looks at me expectantly, but I just avert my eyes and clear my throat.

"Um, I think that I'm going to take a shower too." I grab my things and look up to him again, giving him a small smile.

He frowns at me but lets me pass, "Uh, okay?"

I close the bathroom door behind me and rest the back of my head against it, closing my eyes.

Stupid, stupid Evie! You should have just said it!

Now I just looked like an idiot.

I sigh and have a quick shower, working up my courage again.

I was afraid because I didn't want to upset him, we still basically had a week, and I didn't want to loose the progress we had made.

But it wasn't going to be a healthy friendship if we didn't smooth things over.

I get changed and brush my hair, before coming out, reciting lines in my head that I could say to bring it up.

I put my other clothes back into my bag and run my hand through my hair, sighing.

"You want to talk, right?" I hear Axel say.

I look over and see him sitting on the end of the bed, his lips pursed. I move over and sit next to him, looking at the wall across from us, "Yeah, kind of."

"Where do we start?" He asks, looking at the wall too.

I sigh, "I gave the dress back because it was reminding me of you too much." I pause, "And because it was expensive."

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