The Dream

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"Alright, so it's pH is approximately five." I say to Axel as he writes in on the paper.

I sigh in relief and lean back against the foot of the bed. We were currently sitting on the floor of his room, completing the chemistry assignment that we didn't get to finish this afternoon.

"All done." Axel says. He picks up the tray with the beakers in it, "I'm just going to clean these out."

I nod as he leaves into the ensuite and I get up, exiting his room. I saw some pictures in the hallway as we came up here, but didn't get a good look at them.

The first one was of Axel and Kyra when they were younger, they looked even more similar in the picture, both with wide grins as they made a sandcastle on the beach.

I move to the next one, which was obviously on the same day, but this time Katie was behind them, her arms around both of them lovingly.

When I go to the next one, it's just an empty nail that seems to be as though a frame has been taken down. The last one is a collage of pictures, it's one of the big frames that holds about six pictures in it at once.

I frown, only some places have pictures, there's three empty spaces. The other three pictures were of Axel and Kyra, but it was strange that the whole thing wasn't completed.

"There you are." I hear down the hall. I look and see Axel, he comes towards me and I gesture to the frame.

"Where are the other ones?" I ask.

He rubs the back of his neck, "We took them out."

I frown at him, "Why?"

He rolls his eyes and slides his hand on the small of my back, pushing me lightly down the hall, "So nosy. Well, it's already eleven, so you might as well just stay here."

"What? Already?" I glance at the time on my phone, and sure enough he was right.

"Time flies when you're having fun." He states.

I scoff, "I would hardly call that fun."

We get to a room and he opens the door. I walk in to see a simple, yet large, room with a queen size bed that has a light blue doona on it. There was also an ensuite in this room, as well as a flat screen tv on the wall.

"Do all your bedrooms have ensuites?" I ask.

He shrugs, "Pretty much. Is this alright?"

I sigh dramatically, "I guess it will have to do."

He chuckles, "There's a new toothbrush in the bathroom, just come get me if you need anything."

I turn to look at him, "Thanks Axel."

He gives me a wink, which makes those stupid butterflies spark up again, "Sleep tight Evie."

He then closes the door and I exhale slowly. I had to shake off this feeling I had around him, otherwise I was going to get myself into big trouble.

I go and brush my teeth, fatigue taking over my body. As soon as my head hits the pillow I'm out like a light.


I felt like I was floating. Like my body was air, as though I weighed nothing at all.

Trying to search around, all I see is darkness. I let out a breath, and watch the bubbles rise out of my mouth, floating to the surface.

And then red clouds my vision. I start to struggle for air, my limbs trying to push me frantically up towards the surface.

But I was going down, being pulled by some unknown force deeper into the water. I try to scream, but it's muffled by the ocean.

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