The Survival

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I was aware of my surroundings before I wanted to open my eyes.

I could hear the steady beep, beep, beep. It was the heart monitor, I remember it clearly from the last time I woke up in a hospital.

I could feel my body tightly wrapped in blankets, the IV cord in my hand, and the nasal cannula in my nose, helping me breath in fresh oxygen.

My body felt numb and drained. My lungs felt bruised, as though they had been pushed to their limits.

I slowly open my eyes, even that felt like it used too much energy. The bright, artificial light flooded in, and I squint to get used to it. It was night time, that's why the lights were so bright.

Once my eyes adjust, I glance beside me and see Reegan, asleep in the chair next to my bed. I look over him and Rhys was here too, asleep also but in a chair near the wall.

My eyes cross across the room to the side with the window, and I swear I hear my heart skip a beat.

Axel was there, asleep also, sitting up on the large window sill, his head leaning on the glass as he sleeps.

He's here.

Where was Kyra? She needed to make it out too.

I try to shift, suddenly quite uncomfortable in such a low position.

My movement causes Reegan to stir, and he opens his eyes too. He suddenly bounds up, his chair scraping along the floor, causing Axel and Rhys to wake up alert too.

"Evie." Reegan says, reaching for my hand and gripping it in his, I can see eyes welling up, threatening to spill over any second.

I open my mouth to speak, but no words come out, it was more of just a moaning sound.

Rhys and Axel come to the bed, I shift my shoulders and try to lift my neck up, hoping they'll get the message.

"I think she wants to sit up." Rhys says, grabbing an extra pillow from the end of the bed.

I knew I could count on him.

Reegan looks to Axel as he slides an arm under my shoulders to sit me up, "Could you go get someone?"

Axel just nods and glances at me once more before heading out.

Rhys comes on the other side of the bed and slips the pillow behind me, Reegan lays me back on it and I let out a small sigh.

Much better.

Suddenly a nurse comes in, Axel trailing her. That was quick.

"Genevieve, it's great to see you awake. It looks like you gave everyone quite the scare." She states, grabbing the clipboard that was tucked into the end of my bed.

She comes around and does a quick inspection of me, writing things down on the clipboard. The guys wait patiently to the side, my eyes move to Axel, his bright blue ones locked on mine.

The ones I was so sure I would never see again.

I pull my eyes away from him and back to the nurse.

Questions, so many questions were running through my head.

The door opens again and another woman in her scrubs comes in, a stethoscope hanging around her neck.

She looks around at all the guys, "Boys, how about we give Miss Nikson a moment. I'll need to go over some things with her."

"I'm her brother." Reegan states, looking like he was in defensive mode.

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