The Distraction

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"Axel. Can you just concentrate for ten minutes?" I ask him as he continues to turn the hose on and off, causing random spurts of water to fall onto the grass.

We had decided it was such a nice day that we would do the experiment outside.

Axel was usually very focused in class, but it seemed when he was outside, he got distracted quickly.

He rolls his eyes, "Stop being so serious."

I groan as I pour some salt into a beaker of water, "I just want to get this done."

"Got somewhere to be?" He asks, raising his eyebrows humorously.

I give him a sweet smile, "The sooner I don't have be around you, the better."

He mocks hurt and points the hose at me, "Take that back."

I hold the hose away and grin, "Nope."

"I'm a lot stronger than you Evie, I can easily spray you." He says teasingly.

I glare at him, "You wouldn't."

He raises his eyebrows daringly.

I roll my eyes and let go, turning back to the experiment, "We need to focus."

Next thing I know, a light sprinkle of cold water rains down on me. I look over at Axel and see him holding the hose up at a high angle, so that the water would fall softly on me.

"Axel." I warn.

He just smirks, holding the hose dangerously pointing at me again.

"Don't you-"

Before I can finish he pushes down the handle, and streams of cool water come rushing at me. I squeal and get up, running out of the target.

He gets up too, the smirk still on his face.

It hadn't soaked me, but my hair was dripping at the ends.

"I'm going to kill you." I warn, but I had nothing to defend myself with. The best bet I had was to run at him and try to turn the nozzle towards him.

I take off towards him, he looks at little shocked at first, but then presses down. The water hits me directly, and I get almost drenched before I quickly grab the nozzle, pushing it onto him.

It works successfully, to my surprise, and water hits him hard from the close proximity.

"You little-"

His words drift out as he leans into me, knocking me of balance. We tumble to the ground and the hose is a struggle between us, as we're both trying to point it at each other.

He was positioned on top of me, and soon enough he gets control of the direction the water is going and soaks me.

He stops the water and we both burst out laughing. After a little bit, I try and wipe some of the water droplets off my face, still laying on my back.

He stops and looks at me. Like really looks at me, I feel like he's staring into my soul.

My heartbeat quickens subconsciously as he reaches his hand out and wipes some of my hair that got stuck to my face tenderly behind my ear.

The inside of my tummy feels like it's doing flips, as though there are a hundred butterflies trapped inside.

His fingers trail gently down my cheek to my lips, and his thumb softly trails my bottom lip. I stay completely still, not daring to move a muscle.

Suddenly a throat clears behind us, and Axel jumps off me. I scramble to my feet, and look up to see Katie standing at the doorway, giving us a knowing smile.

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