The Company

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A few days had passed since Axel had figured out my secret. I was walking out of the school when my phone started ringing, I look down and see Mum's caller ID.

"Hey mum." I answer.

"Hi Honey. I'm so sorry, I just got a meeting sprung on me. I tried to ring Reegan, but he mustn't be back yet." She says.

"It's okay, I can just walk." I reply.

"Sorry again Evie, I'll see you later tonight." She says.

"No worries, bye mum." I say and hang up.

It wasn't too far of a walk home, it would probably take about twenty minutes. However, it was really hot today, which would make the journey a lot more uncomfortable.

There was one other option, but it might be a little too last minute.

I decide it's worth a try, so I go over to the student car park and spot Axel's Jeep.

I wait near the car until I see him exiting the school. He gets closer and notices me waiting around.

"What's up?" He asks as he unlocks his car.

I give him an apologetic look, "Do you have time to drop me home by any chance?"

He rolls his eyes in a playful manner, "Get in."

I smile sheepishly, "Thank you."

I hop into the Jeep and he starts the engine. I would never get over this car, it's just amazing.

"I can see you ogling my car again. Personally, I think the driver is more deserving of that look." He smirks as we drive off.

I give him a look, "Yeah right."

He puts a hand over his heart, "Wow Evie, you really know how to hurt a man's pride."

I scoff, "Pride? I would say egotism."

"You're just adding salt to the burn." He pouts.

He somehow managed to look so damn cute when he pouted.

I quickly look away as the blush subconsciously rises to my cheeks from what I just thought.

"So, speaking of salt." He says.

I flush and look back at him to continue.

"Would it be okay if I joined you on a surf tonight?" He asks.

I was a little shocked that he asked. I hadn't been surfing with anyone in a long time, especially at nighttime.

Axel wanted to surf with me?

I nod at him, "Sure. I usually go at midnight."

He grins, "Great."

He pulls up to my driveway and I open the door, "Well, I guess I'll see you tonight then."

He nods, "I guess I will."

I give him a small smile and then get out, shutting the door behind me, giving him a wave as he drives off.

I was going surfing with Axel Brown tonight.

And I felt a little nervous about it.


As I walk down the silent street, my surfboard in hand, my heartbeat quickens in anticipation.

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