The Revelation

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As soon as I get back to the apartment I text Reegan. Before I do anything else, I walk to the bathroom, deciding to have a shower as though I could wash away what just happened.

As I'm getting dressed into my pyjamas which consisted of some comfy shorts and a baggy, old surf t-shirt, I catch sight of my scars again but push the thought of telling Axel about them out of my mind. Tonight definitely wasn't the night.

I get a text back from Reegan.

Axel is still here. Cyclone has been confirmed, stay indoors.

Well at least Axel was there, and I could have a bit of breathing room before he came back. The cyclone didn't surprise me much, it seemed like it was heading that way anyway.

I wander out into the main room, Axel had said there was an office in the next room so I open that door. The office seemed to have a different feel than the rest of the apartment, rather than modern and a colour scheme of black, white and grey, this had bookcases and a large desk made of dark jarrah, books lined every shelf and there were bit of decor and plants all around the place.

I take a deep breath and move to the desk with the computer. I wait for it to turn on, starting to think if what I'm about to do is a big mistake.

This was Axel's personal information, I should be asking him about it not going behind his back.

But I had to know. Plus I didn't even know what I was looking for, there was a large possibility that I would find nothing.

I open the internet browser and my fingers pause above the keys.

I didn't even know what Axel's dad's name was. He's never even told me.

I just go with what I can and type in 'Brown Pyree Bay' to see what that comes up with. Scrolling a little, most of the links where all very unrelated to what I was looking for.

Suddenly my curser stops on one title and I hold my breath as I read it.

'Pyree Bay's brave hero loses life and leaves behind family of three'.

I look at the date. Just over a year ago.

I click on it, waiting for the news article to load.

My world comes tumbling down around me.


I hear the door open and I rise from the bed, my tears had pretty much dried up since it had been a couple of hours. Axel had texted me that he was coming back so I knew to expect him.

I felt like throwing up, but I had to do this. To tell him.

I turn out of the bedroom and into the main room, hardly seeing Axel before he crashes into me, pushing me up against the wall and putting his lips on mine.

It takes me a second to get over the shock but then I relax into it, kissing him back as fiercely as he's kissing me.

His hands were like they had a mind of their own, roaming all over my body. I wind mine around his neck and sweep my fingers through his hair.

In one swift motion he picks me up and moves me towards the bed.

Everything had disappeared from my head, I wasn't thinking properly.

Still not breaking our kiss, he lays me on my back and gets on top of me, I feel the weight of him on me which just made me tingle all over.

He moves his hand down my body, lower and lower, until it's at the hem of my t-shirt. Suddenly everything happens in slow motion, I feel his hand graze the skin on my hips, his hand slipping under my shirt.

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