The Watchers

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"Axel, if you don't stop at the next roadhouse, the monster in my belly is going to come out and eat you." I say, putting my hand on my rumbling tummy.

We had been travelling for the last few hours non-stop, and since we had eaten all our snacks within the first few days, I was left foodless and hungry.

"Alright, alright. I could use a break anyway." He replies.

He looks at his navigation and then glances at me, "There's a small town about fifteen minutes away, Newman, I'm sure it will have a good beach we can probably have a surf at too."

I nod, "Sounds good to me."

We hadn't talked anymore about our kisses, but he had reached over and placed his hand on my thigh a few times during the drive, so I was comfortable with where we were at right now.

Plus I didn't want to complicate things while we were stuck together for a week, I couldn't even imagine how awkward it would be if something bad happened.

"Newman better have a good diner too, I'm craving a milkshake." I say.

Axel chuckles, "A milkshake does sound good."

The next ten or so minutes go by and before we know it we're driving into town, it was pretty small, but I could see little touristy boutiques along the shore, as well as some good looking food shops and cafes.

Axel parks near the beach and looks out at the water before looking back to me, "Quick surf and then food?"

I nod, "I'm sure I can manage that. Nothing worse than surfing on a full stomach."

He nods too, "Agreed."

We get out of the car and go to the change rooms, then grab our boards and head out. It was mid-afternoon, so the sun was pretty harsh, but we didn't intend to be out here for too long anyway.

The waves were pretty good, not as good as some of the other places we had been to, but I still couldn't complain.

We spend a good half an hour surfing, I was trying to get Axel to relax as much as he could. I was set on the idea that he needed to enjoy his surfing more than worrying about his technique.

We paddle back to the shore and chuck our boards in the back of the Jeep, deciding to just stay in our wetsuits to get food.

"How about that place? Looks alright to me." Axel says, pointing to a cute little surf-themed diner.

I nod, "That looks good."

We walk in and order our food before taking a seat in a booth near the window, so we can look out at the water.

"Have you still been trying to get in contact with Kyra?" I ask once we've settled in.

He nods, "It just goes to voicemail every time, she probably ditched her old phone and bought a new one."

I purse my lips, "Why though? Surely she must feel a little bit guilty."

He shrugs, "With how she's been acting lately, I've been questioning whether she even has emotions anymore."

Deciding to test the waters, I push a little further.

"Since your dad passed?" I ask quietly.

His eyes flick up to mine, and for a second I think it may have been too much.

But he just slightly nods and looks back down at his hands on the table, "Ever since it happened it's like she went numb. Sure, I wasn't myself either for a bit, I started wondering why it happened, why it had to happen to my dad, to my family. But we were all broken, and our family couldn't function like that. I knew I had to step up and support them, especially mum."

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