The Rumours

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I tap the dry end of my paintbrush against my chin as I study the canvas in front of me.

I loved to paint, especially pictures of the sea. I had more different hues of blue than any other colour in my art supply, just because I would hardly ever need a different colour.

Art was offered at my school, but I decided not to take it because it's more of a hobby to me than something I'll have to get judged on.

I was sitting in the top story of our house, the single room with the large glass windows that I could see the ocean out of. Dad called it the 'viewing box', because that was basically all it was good for, but I managed to make it a mini studio as well.

It was small enough that there was only a ladder to get up and down from it, which I loved in my opinion, it made it even more original.

Reegan had dropped me off about an hour ago, my parents still weren't home from visiting my grandparents, so I took the rare opportunity to paint.

After about another hour or so, I see my dad's car pull into the driveway, and decide I better go down to see them.

Narla was sleeping near the bottom of the ladder, she obviously knew that I was up here. She wakes up when she sees me coming, and her tail wags instantly.

I give her a quick pat and then go to the stairs, her trailing me as I go.

The front door opens as I get to the landing, and mum walks through first, she smiles at me, "Hi Dear, sorry we're later than usual."

I shrug and lean against the kitchen counter, "I was just painting."

Dad comes through the door and notices me, "Ah, there she is. How was the party last night?"

I have to purse my lips not to tell them what really happened, "It was good, sorry I didn't message you. Reegan said he told you that I was staying a friend's house?"

Mum nods, "It's alright Evie, but I am keen to know who your friend is?"

This stumps me for a second. Do I tell them it was Axel? I don't know how they'd feel about me staying over a boy's house, and Serene doesn't know what's happening.

"Uh, her name is Kyra." I reply.

Hey, it was technically still Axel's house.

"Oh, alright. Well, I'm glad you're fitting in." Mum says, pinching my cheek.

"Yeah." I reply, smiling at her, "I'm going to see if I have any homework."

"Alright, I'll call you down when dinner is ready." Mum says as I go back up to my room.

Narla follows and jumps up onto my bed. I lay down next to her and she places her head on my stomach, I pat her as I stare at the ceiling.

Parts of the night were coming back to me, mainly the dancing and I remember throwing up. But there are a few blank pieces that I just can't figure out, especially after I passed out.

Surely I wouldn't have stayed asleep that whole time?

Then again, I was pretty drunk, so I guess there is a chance that I did.

Hopefully, for my sake.


As I walk through the front doors of the school, everything seems different.

Different because people are staring at me. Lots of people.

As I walk down the hallway hesitantly, they glance at me before whispering to the person next to them.

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