The Temptation

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As we enter The Seaboard, I instantly feel out of place.

Walking up to the reception in ripped shorts, a plain surf t-shirt and sandals, people around me were dressed in high-end brands, hair and makeup perfect, and had a sense of sophistication about them.

It makes me sub-consciously fold myself in.

The staff were dressed head-to-toe flawlessly, all in exactly the same uniform. They all smiled at us as we strode past, however I couldn't help but wonder whether confusion was crossing their minds.

We get to the reception and a man smiles warmly at us, "Good morning to the young couple, what can I do for you?"

I couldn't help the pink that rises to my cheeks, however Axel doesn't correct him.

"Morning, I'm Mr Brown, I made a call earlier."

When he says earlier he means not even ten minutes ago, as soon as we parked the car.

A flash of realisation hits the man and he quickly types on his computer, "Of course Mr Brown, welcome to The Seaboard. Your apartment is all ready for you, here are your key cards," He places two metal cards on the bench in front of us, "You're on floor eighteen. Please do not hesitate to call us if you need anything at all."

"Thank you." Axel nods, he places his car keys on the bench, "The black Jeep."

The man takes the keys hastily, "Of course." He motions over to another staff member and two men come over, "We will take your bags up."

Axel nods and hands his bag to one of the men, I look to see the other man looking at me expectantly. I quickly hand over my bag and they head off.

Axel takes the key cards and starts to guide me away with his hand at the small of my back.

I glance back at the man, "Thank you." I say with a smile.

He gives me a large smile back, as though he can finally let out a breath.

I look back to Axel and see his neutral expression as he walks towards the elevators. He presses the button and we wait no more than two-minutes before one comes.

A couple exit and we go in, the doors slowly closing, it felt like an eternity to me.

I look straight to him, "Um, 'the apartment'? How much did you spend on this room Axel?"

He gives me a sideways smirk, "Relax, this is our family apartment."

My eyes widen, "You own it?"

"Well, we rent it, but they would never offer it to anyone else." He replies.

I stare at him in shock, my words not being able to come. I didn't even know that The Seaboard had apartments to rent at all, on the top floor no less.

He gives a little sigh, "Don't freak out okay Evie? It wasn't my plan to stay here in the first place but it just made sense to after everywhere else was taken."

Was he... afraid of what I might think?

It was plausible, since that was what our whole argument was about before the last storm in Pyree Bay.

I open my mouth to answer, but the elevator dings and the doors open to our floor.

He begins walking and I silently trail him, we turn a corner and a very large door comes into view. Unlike a hotel room door, this one had no number on it, just a peephole, but it was covered in beautiful beige-coloured leather and had a strip of silver metal running around it.

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