The Transformation

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**Picture of Rhys (Ryan Guzman)**

I had tried to avoid Axel for as much as I could this week, except for when he had a task for me.

I think the main reason I was doing it was because of how much of a jerk he was, he obviously wasn't intending on being friends with me, so I was guessing that our time together was strictly business.

And that was more than fine with me.

I check the time on my phone as I wait for Reegan to show up. We had decided that he would pick me up every Friday since mum was at her book club and dad was working.

"I feel like I haven't seen you all week." Carter says as he comes up next to me.

I give him a small smile, "Yeah sorry, I've been focusing on my school work."

He raises his eyebrows at me, "So, are you coming tomorrow?"

"Well, I-"

Before I can even reply, he grabs my hand and looks to the sky, "Please tell me I don't have to beg."

I glance around in shock, making sure he's not drawing to much attention. My eyes lock with familiar blues ones, and I see Axel leaning against the school wall, his arms crossed and watching us.

Not creepy at all.

But I had to show him I could handle myself. The faster I looked like I didn't need help, the sooner he would stop bugging me.

I look back to Carter and laugh, "No Carter, I'm coming don't worry."

"Perfect." He replies. He then takes my hand and places a gentle kiss on the back of it, making me freeze.

I can't help the light blush that spreads across my cheeks at the gesture.

"Not interrupting anything here am I?" Someone asks from behind me.

I expect it to be Axel, annoying me again. But when I look I'm surprised to see Rhys leaning against his car.

"Oh Rhys, hey. Uh, no." I reply and take my hand out of Carter's.

He gives Carter a sight glare, "Good."

Carter shuffles awkwardly under his gaze, "Ah, I'll see you tomorrow night then Evie."

I look back to him and nod, "Bye Carter."

With that, he wonders off to the student carpark.

I turn back to Rhys, "Where's Reegan?"

He opens the passenger door for me and I end up blushing again, which makes him laugh, "He got called into work Tommie, so he asked me to come get you."

"Oh," I reply as I walk towards the door, "Well thank you."

When I sit down he smiles at me, "No problem." He then shuts the door and comes around, getting in and starting the engine before pulling away.

I can't help but look back to where Axel was before, but he was gone now.

"So, is he your boyfriend?" Rhys asks, in a teasing tone.

I raise my eyebrows at him, "Are we ten?"

He laughs, "No but seriously, kissing the back of your hand seems like more than a friendly gesture."

I shrug, "I've only known him for two weeks, and I'm not interested in a relationship right now."

He chuckles, "Well, if you need me to kick someone's ass, just let me know."

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