The Decision

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I wake up with the sun. The new light finding it's way into the room through the worn out curtains.

I could feel the weight of Axel's arm around my waist, the warmth he provided was comforting, even if it was getting humid in the room.

I knew I had to go back to my room before Reegan woke up though, or all hell would break loose, and I probably wouldn't even be able to get a word in before he'd drag my miserable butt back to Pyree Bay.

I shift slowly into a sitting position, making Axel stir. He steadily opens his eyes a little, his ocean blue eyes pouring into mine.

"Morning." I whisper, my voice a little hoarse, "I think it's best if I go back."

He closes his eyes and nods, then reaches out and pulls me back down into him. I laugh a little as I snuggle into his chest.

"Axel." I tap his chest playfully, "Come on."

He shakes his head, eyes still shut, "Just a bit longer."

I sign, "I can't."

"Do you have to go already?"

"I've been here all night."

"Yeah but it's not like I got to see you for all that time."

I just roll my eyes and push myself off him. I look at him in the bed, he obviously took his shirt off sometime during the night, and he gives me a pout.

"I'll see you later." I give him a look.

He groans and turns over to face away from me, "Okay."

Through the window I see a coffee shop sign just down the street.

"Can I take a few dollars?" I ask Axel.

"Go for it." Axel hardly replies, already sounding half asleep.

I dig into his bag and find his wallet, taking a ten dollar note before heading out of the room. I quickly move to the car park, just incase Rhys or Reegan were up and happened to be looking.

I walk to the coffee shop, not even caring I was still in my pyjamas, it was only about 6am and the town was silent.

I walk in and order two coffees, which don't take long at all since I was the only customer. Heading back to the motel, I can hear the waves crashing on the shore somewhere, and my desire to surf grew even more.

Maybe I can talk Reegan into coming out.

It was a stretch though, he was already mad, and I highly doubt he wants much to do with Axel right now.

I get to the door and use my key to open it, balancing the take away coffee cups carefully one on top of the other.

As I thought, the sound of me coming in wakes Reegan, and he sits up, rubbing his eyes, he sounds like he's trying to be firm but his morning voice doesn't help, "Where have you been?"

"Chill out, I just went to get some coffee. I woke up early and couldn't get back to sleep." I reply, closing the door and walking over to him, holding one of the cups out to him.

He yawns and takes one, I breathe a small sigh of relief, "Alright, thanks."

I sit on the end of his bed and sip my coffee, it wasn't the best, but still gave me the kick I craved.

"I want to talk." I say to him.

He rests his head on the wall behind him, "I thought as much."

"We need to sort this out the right way Reegan, we get nowhere bickering." I state.

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