The Trust

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"Now, you're normally used to feeling the wave, but now you can actually see the wave. You need to remember that." Axel says as we float on our boards in the early morning sun.

I wanted to leave that motel as soon as possible, so we decided to come down for a quick morning surf before we headed to our next destination, Loomer Island.

"Honestly, I'm not used to seeing much at all." I reply.

"Okay then." Axel says, "Do it with your eyes closed then."

I raise my eyebrows at him, "I'm sorry, what?"

He gestures to the waves, "Close your eyes and catch a wave."

"How is that supposed to help me?" I ask, frowning.

"Hopefully, it'll get you into your rhythm, and then we can go from there." He replies.

I intake a deep breath, "Fine, I'll try it."

Making sure that I'm facing the shore, I reluctantly close my eyes. I focus on the waves, feeling the power that each one pulls.

Once I'm set on one, I start paddling, praying that Axel would tell me if there was someone or something in my way.

I had to will myself to keep my eyes closed, but I manage to stand up with no trouble, and ride the wave for a little before I'm happy and I open my eyes again.

It was in that moment that I realised how I had put my trust into Axel's hands.

How easy it was for me to do that.

I paddle back to Axel, who looks a little impressed.

"Well, do you think you have the feel of it again?" He asks.

I nod, "I think so."

"Alright, now do it with your eyes open." He says.

I wait for a good wave, also using my night surfing senses, and see a good one coming. I paddle against it and remember my movements, standing up and gliding like how I would at night.

I can't help but laugh while I ride the wave, the pure joy filling my insides as surfing usually does to me.

When I paddle back to Axel, this time I'm beaming.

"Good job White Wave." He says.

I give him an impressed look, "Looks like someone knows their French name origins."

He smirks, "I'm a surfer, I know most names that have meanings linked to water. Just like Coventina is 'water goddess', and Morgan is 'from the shore of the sea'."

"Interesting." I smile a little.

"And you'll find that the name Genevieve also means 'white wave' in not only french, but also in Celtic and German." He adds.

"Well, I didn't know that." I reply, watching him with a grin.

He clears his throat and looks behind him, "Good wave is coming."

I just give him a nod and watch as he catches it.

I had noticed it a few times now when he surfed, that he never smiled. Surfing was such a luxury to me that I just had to smile when I caught a wave, bringing me happiness.

We surf for a little longer, me now pleased that I'm getting my rhythm back.

As we walk back up to the Jeep, boards in hands, I glance at him, "So, Mr Name Expert, what does Axel mean then?"

He smirks at me, "It's quite Biblical, it comes from German origin and means 'father of peace'."

I raise my eyebrows and grin at him, "Who would've thought?"

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